Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What is your personal compass set to?

We all have a personal compass set-point. Be it emotional, moral, career focused......whatever it is, we all have a set-point. What Gommy is getting at is that we sometimes don't get where someone is coming from and just plain don't understand their point of view (their set-point on their compass of life). But life demands that we just let everyone do their own thing and lead their own lives and hopefully there is a place for us in there somewhere. Like the song says...."you can only hold on as tight as they let you..."

Do you ever wish you could help someone through a tough spot but know deep down that everyone needs to go through whatever it is they are going through by themselves? We never learn from other peoples' mistakes....Like the old saying goes..."You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink." What that means is you can show someone the way, but until they are ready to 'learn' what it is that they are supposed to learn....you are 'beating a dead horse'....another saying...Gommy is full of em'.

Then there is the person who never seems to appreciate you or your efforts. If it is your boss, you begin to wonder if they really want you to do well because it may make them feel as if they are less in some way. Maybe you are a threat to how they 'think' of themselves and their job. There is always going to be someone who does things better than you but if someone works for you and they really try to do everything they are asked to do, that should be a good thing, right? Then of course, there is the co-worker or even a manager who may be a slacker....when you do a good job and are conscientious about your duties, they try to make you look bad because you are suddenly shining a light on what a poor performance they are giving themselves at work. It can be even more irritating when the boss doesn't seem to notice the slacker but is always pointing out something the conscientious one may have done wrong. Go figure....Gommy says in these sorts of instances it is best to just keep doing your very best at your duties and keep your nose clean and maybe something will come along that will be better for you. Maybe there will be someone that does notice what a great job you are doing and sees you as a valuable prospect for their enterprise....You never know....

As for the moral compass thingy.....it always amazes Gommy how liberal the youngin' are about morality, or lack there of, in the culture of today. Of course I realize that Gommy is 'old school' and back in the day.....we actually wore 'virgin pins' that were sort of our badge of honor.....In today's time, being a virgin is seen as some sort of a plague.....or that you must be a dweeb or something. Golly Gee and Holy Moley.....but I think I like my old days better. You know what they say about why people die when they get old?.........Because they WANT to !!!!!

How moral you are in your every day life may be just as, or maybe even more, important to how you 'roll' ........LOL...........Gommy just used some of the kids lingo.....But having a moral code is very important so you don't just crap on people do whatever you feel like doing regardless of how it makes others feel.

Well, that is enough soap-boxing for today. Gommy just wants to gently remind everyone that they are not the only people in the universe and to take other people into consideration when you roll do your own thing. Have a happy day kiddies....Hugs, Gommy ((*.*))

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