Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Computers R Us !

Hello fellow computer users. Gommy was thinking how much we are like our computers. Of course humans are much more complicated machines than computers. But when you start thinking of the parts of computers and how they store information, process information and breakdown or 'crash' when a bug or virus is funny to use the analogy of a computer for we humans. Example? Well, think of this: A CPU is a (Central Processing Unit). It is the nerve center of the computer- everything flows through it. Often it is just called "the processor". So, for today's analogy, we will say our bodies are our CPU.

Next metaphor? Each morning we wake up....but our computer must 'boot' up.
This means to "start up the computer". Literally, the process of loading up the operating system and getting the computer ready for use. Then, in human terms, we usually do the same things as we get ready to start our day; brush our teeth, take a shower, eat breakfast, etc. The computer uses the Start Menu to launch it's chores for the day. Any programs placed in this folder will launch themselves automatically whenever you start up your computer.

The computer uses either a mouse or a touchpad (which is
a pressure-sensitive pad which replaces the mouse on most laptop computers) to navigate on the page. Humans navigate by either, car, airplane, another vehicle, or just plain walking. But there can involve pressure-sensitive issues involved in humans navigating around too. Like, traffic jams, flat tires, rude people we come in contact with or blisters or sore feet.

When we humans want to talk....we speak the thoughts that are on our minds. However, we do this sometimes without thinking it completely through. On a computer,
a word processor is used for creating documents, letters etc. The computer is one up on us with that one, because you can go back and change what you want to say in word processing. You can delete, review and change anything you think sounds better. Speaking whatever comes into your head and out to your mouth..... without the ability to delete...not so much! Oh, and the 'we' that is being referred to, is 'we humans' or in computer talk the Webmaster, i.e. the person.

A worm in computer lingo is
a malicious program introduced into computers by stealth, similar to a virus. In humans...a worm is pretty much the same sort of miserable thing, but personified. A Trojan, in computer language is a program similar to a virus which is disguised as something harmless like a game, but when launched actually sabotages the computer on which it is running. For humans, a Trojan brings to can figure than one out yourself.

A persons' memory is how we remember good times we have had or the appointment we have at the doctors' office next week. A computer has RAM (random access memory). This is where the computer holds whatever you are currently working on. The contents of memory are lost when the computer is switched off. Unfortunately, 'we' can't turn off our memory or whatever is bugging us as easily. There are times when 'we' smile, frown, wink or are astonished. The computer can show these emotions too, with Emoticons....(EMOTion ICON) A group of symbols used to indicate emotions, i.e. :) or :( or ;) or :O.

When a computer program or operating system stops working completely or almost completely.....the computer is said to have "crashed". When a computer crashes it usually needs to be rebooted (slapped in the face or given a wake-up call to humans) before it can be used again. Or sometimes, it just can't be revived. We humans crash at times too. We just have too much information, stress, depression, etc. and we just don't want to function any longer. On a computer, you can just uninstall or remove a program (problem) from your system.It would be helpful if we could 'UnInstall' some of the junk we worry about. Or even better, you can go back and restore your computer to an earlier date when the computer was working properly. Geesh, Gommy would sure like to be able to use that function!

We humans all pretty much like cookies. Those small, round and delicious concoctions made of flour, sugar and other yummy ingredients. But a computer's cookies consist of small data files stored on your computer by a website, in theory to allow it to "remember" your preferences. They can be pretty harmless on a computer......but on my hips? Well, let's not go there right now. OK???

When you transfer information (files) from a network (such as the Internet) onto a user's PC
, that is called to 'download'. When we 'download' information into our psyche, it isn't always beneficial to us and it can be stuff that doesn't need to be worried about or fears that will never materialize anyway, but we continue to fret over them. It would be very useful to be able to 'erase' that junk from our 'mainframe' or 'hard-drive'.

We have all had people who have tried to do us harm, by slandering us or just plain lying about us. Those people are called 'Haters'. In computer language, that is called a 'Hacker. That is a person who uses computers to access ("hack") systems they are not supposed to have access to of other people's financial details, personnel files, military secrets etc. Hacking can get you arrested in the computer world....too bad we can't arrest the 'Haters' in our world.

If you just want to browse around the can surf. That isn't the kind of surfing we humans do at the beach with the big waves and surfboards though. And finally, we have pretty much replaced 'snail mail' with emails.... A way to send messages between computers, or more to the point their users, either over a network or the Internet. E-mail is usually just text. Although it is possible to send pictures, sounds or even programs as e-mail. There is something Gommy misses about getting a real letter or a real greeting card in the mail. Oh well.....times are changing and if we aren't on the information highway of life...we will definitely be left at the train station. Does anyone still remember train stations? Oh bother :)

So, as you can see, we are pretty much like our computers. Just add in emotions, frustrations, or even the really good I'll take more of the love stuff thank you. But I can honestly say, it would be pretty hard to do without computers. We have come to realize they are a part of our lives now and even though the old days had some pretty good stuff back waits on no human. So, get with it peeps. Boot can do it...Gommy is pulling for you. Hugs & Mush, Gommy