Saturday, September 26, 2009

Guru or not Guru

Hi boys and girls....Gommy is feeling deep today. It is my day off and I awoke with a feeling of joy and happiness about life in general and wondered why some people are happy and some people are sad. Then Gommy looked up her favorite GURU on YouTube to listen to his teachings and thought how many people may not have had the opportunity or even the inclination to discover what 'makes them tick'. It is strange, but most people go through their whole lives in a state of being 'un-conscious'....meaning they just go through life, doing the things they do, over and over and over, because they think that is the way it is supposed to be and not questioning the hows, why's, or whatevers. Now, many people from western cultures hear the word 'guru' and become turned off because they 'think' it is some weirdo hocus-pocus or woo-woo way of thinking. But in actuality, the word guru itself just means 'a trusted counselor, adviser or mentor'. Not so scary right?

We are or become what we have been taught by our religious scribes, what our social culture expects of us, doctrine, dogma, our own skewed perception of how things happened in our memory of our past, or just what our parents have told us about ourselves. Many times our religious background has led us to believe things that may not be 100% correct. Now, you are thinking.....not my religion....but if that is so......what about all the other religions in the world? What about those religions that you think are woo-woo? THEY think their religion is the right one as well. Remember that 'self righteous morality is just jealousy with a halo'. (sic) For example....many cultures have very different customs and beliefs. Take the Hindu. They revere the 'cow'.... where we in Western civilization EAT our cows.....My 'guru' (er..........teacher if that makes you feel better) says that Hindus are no different than other religions; they kill for their beliefs and are merely vegetarians! Other civilizations kill for their beliefs as well. Take the killings in the Spanish Inquisition, or any war for that matter, that is based on religions.....WAIT A MINUTE!..... aren't all wars based in some matter or way in religion when you dig deep enough???? The point is that we may believe anything we wish to as long as we aren't 'obliged' to believe without questioning.

Many of us seem to focus on the negative instead of the positive aspects of our lives. For instance, my 'guru' says that if a child does poorly in math but excels in music, we usually get him a math tutor. DUH...While the positive approach should be to foster his musical talents and that way, he can 'hire' an accountant when he becomes successful. We seem to be 'addicted' to perceiving the lack instead of the abundance of everything around us. Nature is the 'poster child' for extravagance, wastefulness, and abundance in our existence. Think of how many flowers there are in the world, how many bodies of water, the grasses that grow under our very feet each day, how much food is produced that is thrown out (at least in our wasteful Western world). We should try to become 'addicted' to good addictions instead of bad addictions. Be addicted to noticing the abundance in the world around you, to the kindnesses that are evident in our daily lives and mostly, to the gift of life we enjoy!

How do we do that? Start by meditating.....Now don't get scared away....meditating is only stopping the 'monkey talk' in our heads and relaxing the mind. Science has proven that meditating boosts and secretes serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin ('happy hormones') in us and lowers the stress hormones because it induces DEEP rest in us. And we know that DEEP rest is refreshing and revitalizing to our mind and body's.

I know this is getting long......but Gommy has one more thing to think about. If you TRULY want have to GIVE it to GET it. HUH? Think about it......the way the Universe (God) works is by example and service to others. If you want must help other people to get wealthy, if you want love you must give love to others, if you want respect you must respect other people or the people you want respect from, if you want peace....guess what? YOU must act peacefully towards others. Get it??? 'Be the change you want to see in the world." (sic)

OKIE-DOKIE...Gommy has stepped off the 'soap-box'....but just for today....I'll be baaaack. So have a great Saturday out there in 'blog-land'...Gommy is going to the beach and thank God (the Universe) for everything. If you are looking for me, I'll will be the one meditating....Hugs and Mush - Gommy ((*.*))