Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Grands are Grand!

Hello peeps! It's been a while since I placed pen to to keyboard. The reason is there have been lots and lots of fun times and holidays and getting together to with friends and family, that Goms hasn't wanted to tear myself away to write it down. But I HAVE posted many pictures.....cuz' after all....I am the Gomma-razzi!!

Something did come to mind in the last few days that I felt I just HAD to share with you though. While spending time with my little occured to me that....even though I am getting older, and with that comes a sort of invisibility....those little Grands still think Goms is pretty neat. My daughter mentioned just yesterday that it is like a Rock Star is visiting when they hear Gommy and Grandpa are coming over. And when there is a sporting event or a dance recital.....their little faces just light up when they know we are coming to cheer them on! And it is so nice to see them creak their little heads around to make sure we DID make it to their event.

The invisible part that I that as we grow older in this youth obsessed culture....the older you get....the less anyone 'sees' you, wants to see you or cares what your opinion is. Even the Ad Men only care about the 18-45 year olds opinions when they market their wares. But those little people.....ahhhhh.....they just want to BE with their Gommy and Grandpas and share every little piece of their life with them. They give gifts in the way of original art work to put on your refrigerator, they tell you about their day at school or where Mommy and Daddy took them last weekend. They want to make sure you see their exceptional skills at doing a cartwheel, 'reading' a book, coloring while staying inside the lines or how high they can jump. When you read them a book....they are mesmerized.  It's so much fun to read with a funny voice for each of the characters in the book and listen to their giggles....and then they make you feel as if you were an Academy Award winner for your performance in reading Good Night Moon. Where else in the world does anyone else EVER make you feel that you are so important? No where...that's where.

My little Grands don't ever notice the 'beauty spots' that have begun to appear on my hands and face. And whether I am all made up (as well as I can be made up these days) or I am dragging myself around as if I am circling the drain for the last time.....those little sweethearts think Goms hung the moon! I never find myself being bothered when they ask...."LOOK Gommy....I'm....(fill in the blank)." ....because I want to make sure they know that I think what they are doing is just as important as it actually is!!! How could you lose patience with the fifty-eleventh time they laugh when you pop a bubble you made with your bubble gum? Or find you hysterical when you share a knock-knock joke with them. And how about when I find an old Shirley Temple movie, Popeye the Sailor Cartoon or another Goldie Oldie on the computer and they are enchanted with this 'NEW' magic that Gommy is shaing with them?  It's the BEST!!!

I am often reminded that I didn't always think the fifty-eleventh time when my own children did something was so adorable....but I also didn't have the luxury back then of leaving when I wanted to either.  And back then, it was my full responsibility for the day in and day out of raising my own three children. Looking back though, I see how I may have been so busy with the day to day of living, that I missed the minute to minute of the little things that were so cute. I guess we do get do-overs because my 20/20 hindsight is allowing me to enjoy these times all the more. And when my little grands say thank you.....just for spending time with THAT just melts a Gommys' heart.

Yep my friends.....never let an opportunity go by that you can spend with your little ones. They grow up soooo fast....and one day Gommy won't hold as much magic with them and the visits will be less and less often and when you do get a visit....there won't be the giggles and the excitement to see you. Although, I do have to admit....that when they grow can still have a good relationship with them....even if it is a different sort of relationship. My older (adult) Grands and I have some pretty good side-splitting laughs when we get together that would not be 'Little Grand' appropriate. And one day, probably sooner than later......they will make Gommy a 'Great-Gommy'. Then they will get to learn all the Mommy/Gommy things for themselves. And the beat goes on......

These good times are ones to cherish...and they are fleeting with the passage of time. All Goms is saying is to enjoy it while it lasts. You can do it....Gommy is pulling for you!
Hugs & Mush, Gommy