Monday, January 31, 2011

A Word by Another Name???

When my daughter Tiffany was alive…she used to keep her Old Mom up-to-date in the phraseology of the day. Today, they have entries for such words in something called the Urban Dictionary. Tiffany would always put a word-of-the-week on the dryer for me (she knew I would definitely find it if she put it in the laundry room…lol). I loved finding my new word each week. Thanks Spiffy Tiffy!

Now that I am a woman ‘Of a Certain Age’ (for real) I subscribe to AARP (the organization for retired persons….of which I may never find myself because it looks as if I will be working forever.) But that is all right by me. It keeps the brain and body going and allows me to ‘stay with it’. Gommy is from the generation that believes that you lose it if you don’t use it.

Anywho…in this month’s edition of the bulletin…low and behold…there is an article on ‘New Words and Expressions’ that have become used so often, that they have actually been added to the dictionary. Seems my Tiffy was way ahead of herself!

Just in case you aren’t a subscriber yourself, I’ll let all my ‘old chums’ in on the ones that I particularly like, and plan on using.

1) Automagically- Done in a way that seems magical. (happens every day)

2) Bromance- Close, male, platonic relationship (is there any other kind at our age?…lol)

3) Cheeseball-Lacking taste or style (have met my share of these)

4) Chillax-to calm down and relax (can think of several people I know who could use this one…FOR SHO!)

5) Cougar- Older woman who dates younger men (why would you put yourself through all the angst, for heavens sake? If you date a much older person…you will always be the hot-‘Younger Chick/Hen’…lol)

6) Exit-strategy- Planned means of extricating oneself from a situation (you should practice using this one….. it can be very useful)

7) Frenemy- A‘friend’ with whom one has frequent conflict (I say, just Unfriend them…which happens to be another new term described later in the list) Life is too short for aggravations…

8) Friend- to add to a list of personal associated on a website (bet you thought you already had this one nailed. Nope, these younguns’ are trying to mess with our minds ;)

9) Gal Pal- A female friend- (can’t have too many of these….but make sure they are for real)

10) Hater- A negative or mean person. (stay away from these types…REALLY, REALLY FAR AWAY!)

11) Heart- Not the organ….This one is a Verb, meaning to very much love!!

12) Own- to utterly defeat or humiliate (I would rather use it as really, truly understanding a situation or project…remember to stay away from negatives.)

13) Pimp- Noooo…not the one you are thinking of…this one means to make something more showy or impressive. Boy, they really changed the meaning of this word!!!

14) Rock- Not the Noun…this one means to do something in a confident, super way.

15) Staycation- Vacation spent at home. (what many folks are forced to be doing in this soft economy)

16) Toxic debt- Debt that has a high risk of default. (yep…sadly, many already know this one. But all debt is toxic to Goms).

17) Tweet- Posting made on the social networking site Twitter. (not what Tweety Bird does)

18) Unfriend- To remove from a list of personal associates on a website. (referred to above.)

19) Viral-Circulating rapidly on the Internet- (happening too frequently every day….and usually in a negative way. But, wouldn’t it be nice if being friendly, or nice would become viral?)

20) Zombie Bank- An insolvent bank that survives through government support. (Why not just close them down? We have enough Corporate Welfare…DUH).

Then, there's something I heard on TV last night…With all the talk about people being profiled and having to show proof of being an American Citizen….if you don’t want to carry around your important personal papers, i.e. birth certificate or Passport….you can prove you are an American, just by showing three of your maxed out credit card bills and your foreclosure notice.

And finally, something else I heard recently that was very funny and I plan on using (frequently) when someone is blah-blahing in your face....just say, "Excuse me, may I interrupt you for a sec? This may be very important.....I've stopped listening!".

Hope this helps all "My Peeps" out there in aging land. Gommy is just trying to help all the other 'Friends of a Certain Age' to keep up with the lingo of the day ;) - So study and learn these new words and terms, so you'll be 'in the know' ( an old timers term, just in case any youngsters are reading this.....Wink-Wink (* >^ ) .

You can do it...Gommy is Pulling for ya' Hugs & Mush, Gommy