Monday, October 12, 2009

We Don't Get to Choose....

HAPPY COLUMBUS DAY EVERYONE!!!! Hope some of you out there in blogland got the day off.....

Today, Gommy wants to talk about life situations that involve the people in our lives. It turns out in life, work, family, in-laws, school, exchanges with our exes and on and on, and virtually in every chance meeting or relationship we have.......that we don't always get to choose who we communicate or MIS-communicate with. We may not enjoy being with the people we have to interact with, but what we do have to figure out is a way to get along with each other. We do live in a we must, at least, be civil. That is because we are going to be sharing a dorm room, our work space, a lab desk, a seat in the car of our carpool, time with our kids friends and parents at sporting events, and the BIGGIE of allllll.........a place at the Thanksgiving Day table with family, in-laws, extended family and friends...... and friends of friends. Some of which we can't abide and would never choose to spend time with except that it is expected at certain times.....YIKES!!!!

Darn.......why does it have to be so hard to act the way we are supposed to act? exactly are we supposed to act??? What IS normal? Is it normal to have to act a certain way when we know someone doesn't want to be around us either? And are we are expected to act 'normally', all the while we are passing the mashed potatoes?.....Doesn't feel so normal does it????

It makes us seem mean to want to avoid some people but it can be very uncomfortable just being around certain people, like if you work with them every day..... and what are we supposed to do with those emotions???? Gommy suggests to try not to let those feelings define us......There are always going to be people who we would rather not spend time with, but it is mandatory.....sooooooo we had better find a way to enjoy the time we have to spend while in their company.

First, try to find something likable about them...........not working yet? Keep trying....I bet none of us are so perfect that EVERYONE loves to be around us all the time either. Like Goms has 'preached' so many times in other the person to others that you want them to be to you. It really is true that kindness begets kindness, gratefulness begets gratefulness, forgiveness begets forgiveness, etc. etc., etc. Just the same way that meanness begets meanness, hatefulness begets hatefulness, jealousy begets jealousy, etc., etc., etc. Goms knows it can be VERY hard to hide how we are feeling....but the end result could be that we have a more pleasant time than we were dreading.....

If we could all just feel in our hearts the way the 'Currier and Ives' paintings make us feel, with the snow covered lanes and the horses carrying families to relatives homes, we would have good tidings and cheer and best wishes for everyone. It can't be that hard now can it? Sadly, Gommy thinks it must be that hard or things would be a lot more peaceful in the world. Because people would be putting other peoples' feelings into the scenario before they lashed out or said something hurtful. It all goes back to the "Do Unto Others" proverb.

Soooooo, seeing we sometimes don't get to choose who we will be spending time with.....try to be coming up with ideas of how to make this a much nicer Holiday Season for everyone. If you can't think of ways to get better think of ways of how to 'deal'....'cause it's happening......ready or not.....Have a nice day everyone and start jotting down things that will make this next Holiday a more peaceful one. It may be that we just have to keep our mouths shut.....except for when we are eating that delicious turkey and mashed potatoes ......Hugs and Mush, Gommy ((*.*))