Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sheep No More!

Hello Boys and Girls. It’s been quite a while since Gommy has offered any goodies to you all. But lately, there has been so much to love and enjoy in my own neck of the woods….that I have been having a high old time (emphasis on the old…lol) and I just plain forget about putting my thoughts on… I was going to say paper…but that isn’t as completely fitting in this 21st Century.

As long as we’re (actually just me) on the subject of what ‘isn’t correct or seems to apply any longer’…..let me get out my soap box. Pssstttt….this is where I give you the chance to run. OK then…for those still with me......

It seems as if it is no longer correct to have a differing opinion about much of anything anymore. With all this political correctness, putting your foot in your mouth can lead to disaster. Or if the opinion doesn’t fit in with what the other person is thinking or believing….you are just supposed to keep your big, fat mouth shut. Disagreeing can even lead to being shunned. Hey! I thought shunning was something that was done back in the old Bible days. Oh well, I digress. Sadly, it no longer applies that you should automatically do the right thing when it comes to being charitable, or caring what happens to those less fortunate, or expect our political representation to look out for their constituents instead of themselves. So many seem to be a bunch of greedy-guts and Scrooge-like in their wanting it allllll! And I thought this country was founded on the principle that we were supposed to separate church and state. The Founding Fathers made sure to put it in the Bill of Rights that we would have religious freedom. AND, they made it the number one Right:

I. Freedom of Speech, Press, Religion and Petition

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

It appears that people will talk about standing up for the rights of others…..but that is only if it doesn’t go against what THEY believe in. Sorry, peeps, that is NOT what freedom means. Look it up. Take as long as you need.

Why is it that when someone has a different way of looking at something, that other people find it hard to even associate with them any longer? Is it the old saying about ‘birds of a feather…flock together?’ Or maybe it is that they feel threatened. But that doesn’t make any sense….it is just a difference of opinion, right? Can’t we agree to disagree? On occasion, I have found myself in a group of people… and if I offer a differing opinion….it seems as if I am experiencing the feeling that I am in that old commercial for E.F. Hutton, where the whole room becomes hushed. Wuz up wit dat?

And what about all this hate that is everywhere? This country could turn into another Civil War if this partisanship continues and the haves and the have nots keep at it. As I see it, we are all in this together. It’s no longer about Republicans or Democrats…it’s about survival for all of us....for crying out loud. If our wonderful country goes down the tubes….it will be all of us going down. Not just the have nots. That is what I can’t wrap my brain around. When everyone is finally in the crapper….and out of money, lose their homes, their savings, their investments….. who do the ‘haves’ think will be able to buy their crap any more? Seems like a no brainer to this old Gommy. And the last time I looked….we were circling the drain!

The old phrase, “it’s the economy stupid.’ makes me think that we need to add another phrase. The economy phrase has been repeated often in American political culture to wake people up. Even though it IS about the economy in these troubled times, I think a new phrase should be brought to the fore. How about, ‘it’s about principles stupid.’? Principles that don’t allow the country to be bought off by huge corporations who keep all the money and don’t like to play nice with others. Principles that say it smells fishy that lobbyists make kabillions of dollars to sway the votes of the politicians who are supposed to be watching out for us…NOT the companies and corporations they are buying votes for. Principles that don't allow the fat cats to get away with lying about what they said they would do if we bailed them out. They said they would reinvest in our country if we got THEM out of trouble, and now they say….whoa….this isn’t a very good financial climate to hop back in to. No joke Sherlock! You are the ones that got us here...we bailed you out…and now you are just resting on your big fat rolls of cash. got us!!!! P.T. Barnum said...'there's a sucker born every minute', and he sure was right. And not one of those financial ‘wizards’ that broke our economy, served even one day in jail for their crimes. WTF????

But Hooey…who is Gommy trying to kid? Everyone ‘says’ they want to get along and they are sick and tired of all the junk on TV that gets everyone all riled up and at odds with each other. But are they REALLY? You see, the powers that be would not keep the junk on TV if there were not an audience for it. So, it does go back to being all about the economy (the economy of each persons’ purse). And until ‘they’ (the negative-ers) see that we are actually through with buying into all the negativity crap….they will continue to bring it to us. They are good that way. Get in THEIR pockets….and they perk right up! When the news goes back to being unbiased (on either side), and the TV shows don’t insult every ounce of every part of our senses any longer, and we stop buying the products the corporations are paying for their advertisements to keep this junk on TV….THAT is when you will notice that it is really stopping.

So, if you want to stop spinning in the negative hamster's what you can do; you must stop watching the hate mongers on TV that just want to get everyone mad at each other (so their ratings go up), you can stop watching, listening, or reading any News that is only trying to get us to be so divisive, you can realize that we are just pawns in their money game and refuse to play with them any longer. Oh, and you might also want to insist that teachers make a decent income instead of the Charlie Sheen types who make 8-9- or 10 millions dollars a year from acting on their shows or the athletes who make so much that the regular folk can't afford a ticket anymore. Doesn't anyone else think there is something wrong with that? You can change it....just stop buying all their stuff. The prices will come down real fast. I promise. Come on peeps. You can do it. Gommy is pulling for ya' . Hugs & Mush, Gommy

1 comment:

  1. I am 100% with you on all of this!! Very well said I hope there will soon be a day where people start heeding these words instead of the ones from those that want to pit person against person for their own political and financial agenda. Always love reading your posts, Gommy!! Big Hugs!
