Saturday, July 11, 2009

Ponderments (Is that a word???)

Gommy has a day off and was pondering things this morning. Like how we often don't recognize wake-up calls that are meant to be lessons in life for us. Like when we have a child that is high maintenance........could they be a mirror into how the parent is acting? Gommy thinks this may be so. Or how about people who seem to be painfully shy? Gommy sees them as being so into themselves (self-centered in a way) that they don't enjoy the beauty of nature or even their own environment. Or how we sometimes have hate for a certain race or creed or religion....when we are really all 'one'. Then there is the notion that we own the land we are inhabiting. Gommy feels we are just borrowing it for a while. More on these thoughts below.

Gommy will try to take these 'ponderings' on one at a time...... Take the child acting up. I have seen children who are acting out and behaving very badly and notice that the parent is quite a bit like they are acting. You know the old saying, "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree." Our children are little sponges and they 'pick up' how to act by observing what their parents do and how the parents behave. I have seen so many families who come into the candy store where I work and I often have to laugh to myself when the child is SOOOOOOOOOO much like the parent that it is blaring......One teen was in just this week and Gommy swears the Dad swaggered out and the boy was following him and he walked EXACTLY the same way the father did, with the same swagger. Then there was the 'loud family'. From the mom, all the way down to the little two year old, they were very loud. They sounded as if they had ipods in their ears and didn't realize how obnoxious they sounded. Coincidence? Gommy thinks not. That is what Gommy means by mirroring.

Then take the painfully shy person. Gommy sees them as looking inward so much that they don't experience the beauty of nature and all that is around them. If they are so into everything they say or do (so they aren't noticed themselves), how can they enjoy all that life has to offer? If you are one of these people, quit looking inward and observe all there actually is out there to take pleasure from. It is not all about you. So stop imagining everyone is looking at you or watching what you are doing. They are not.....the truth be told, they are so into themselves they probably don't even know you exist. Gommy has come to the conclusion that most people are unaware of most other people or how much there is to look at and enjoy in the world. How sad...........

On the subject of hate. It is a terrible waste of energy to hate anyone. We are actually all one when you think that the air in the atmosphere is breathed in and exhaled out by us all. Thus connecting us with every breath we take. We are, in essence, part of each other. To the people who are religious and read the Bible......if we all come from Adam and Eve......HELLO!!!!!

Lastly, about the land we think we own. Gommy thinks we are merely borrowing the sandy beaches, the majestic mountains and the crisp evening air that is fragrant with Night Blooming Jasmine. All those beautiful things will still be here when we are long gone, so how can we say we OWN them? They are really just being loaned to us to enjoy while we are here.

There, those are Gommys' thoughts and 'ponderments' for today. Hope everyone is looking outward and really seeing all there is to see in this wonderful world. This is your 'wake-up' call...............Enjoy!!!

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