Monday, July 19, 2010

It Is Better to Give Than to Receive....No....Really...It is!

Hi boys and girls. Hope everyone is doing well. For today, Gommy wants to talk about the premise that giving is an essential part of the human experience. Gommy was (still am) an only child and only children can sometimes grow up without ever knowing how it is to share anything. This can cause the 'only' some problems when it becomes evident that someone wants a bit of what 'we' have.

One of the lessons Gommy believes she still has to learn is the lesson of 'freely' giving. That is; giving without concern that it will mean having less. Gommy knows this is a lesson I still have to learn because we are all here to learn lessons and Gommy hasn't gotten this one down as thoroughly as need be. We are given 'little hints' along the way and the 'smarter' ones of us (the conscious/awakened ones), pick up on the hints quicker than the rest of us......YUP...Gommy still needs the proverbial 'brick to the head' to sometimes get the aha moment, or the light bulb to come on in the old thinking part of the brain, or the epiphany that Goms needs to awaken to these lessons. Slow learner I guess. But, eventually, Gommy can be heard (if only to herself) to have one of those, "Ohhhhhhhhhh, now I get it." moments and everything becomes 'crystal' clear all of a sudden. All of a sudden???....Are you kidding Goms???? The whole wall has to fall sometimes before the awakening moment happens. DUH Goms!

On the subject of sharing and giving, it has come to Gom's attention through studying about spirituality, the Bible, listening to self-help tapes and on an on ad nauseum.....that to receive anything (and that really means anything) you must give it. Doesn't make sense does it? Didn't for Gommy for a very LONG TIME either. Remember, anything that you truly want or feel you 'need' are withholding it. You must give it to receive it. Need love.....give it.....need money....give it....need to be understood.....understand others. See.....give and take. Reap and sow. It's the way it was set don't try to disagree (mess) with Mother know how that can end up. YIKES!!!!

Here, let Gommy try to explain. There is something called 'Dynamic Exchange" which means in everything, there is the law (Divine/Universal Law) that states: for life to perpetuate itself, there must be an exchange. We have hot and cold climate changes......we have up and down, ebb and flow of tides, night and day, black and white and life and death, etc. You can also call it Reaping and Sowing or Karma or Yin and Yang, depending on what part of the world you are from. There are opposites at all levels of life.
Everything at the most basic level is engaged in giving and receiving. Energy is given, energy is received. Even with our human bodies we see this dynamic exchange taking place. One type of cell may require the assistance of another type of cell in our body, and in turn the helped cell will provide a different service back to the cell that just helped it out. This is a critical process, and without it, life would cease to exist.

Abundance begins with the proper mindset. When you give, what you are telling your subconscious mind is, "I am receiving abundance; so much that I can give something in return." By communicating this message over and over, you are making the exchange that Gommy was talking about earlier. You thoughts, actions, and the choices you make will be thought of in the new mindset of abundance. It is only a matter of time before your wishes and hopes are materialized. And this is with most anything you can imagine. If you focus on what your intentions are long enough and deeply enough, you will manifest what you long for.

Nature hates a vacuum. Any empty spot will be quickly filled up again. Look at a lawn....take out a patch of weeds and the grass will grow to meet it. Clear off your calendar for some R&R and pretty soon you are completely covered up with things to do again. And the Law of Abundance tells us that we will create our own reality by our desires for things, money, people i.e. a spouse and child. So, when you are generous with something and give 'whatever' away....somehow, more of it shows up in our lives. Have you ever thought about how you clean out your refrigerator and it is almost empty.....and pretty a few is jam crammed with food again and you need to clean it out again. Or how about your shoes. Those of us who are fortunate enough, probably have more shoes than we have days left.....But, give them away and pretty soon.....voila' the shoe Fairy has replaced your shoe inventory to overflowing once again. (With a little help from her friends, tee, hee) . So, it appears that whenever you empty out (or give) stuff away, you make space more stuff to replace it. And surprisingly, you end up with more stuff than you had before.

The Law of Karma states, in the simplest terms, that what goes around comes around. You will remember how the New Testament expresses the thought: "whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." That is just what karma means -- it is a Sanskrit term used in Hindu and Buddhist philosophy to signify 'action' followed by reaction the actions you take in each moment add up to your results in the future. If you’re constantly giving on a daily basis, you can be sure the life you’re creating for yourself in the future is a great one. So just because the premise of Karma comes from another area of the world, it is not reason to fear the concept. It is the same as the Bible using Reap and Sow.

The same holds true of gratitude. We must always be grateful for those Blessings we receive. And here is another 'secret' Gommy is going to share with you. It isn't only that you do give or what you is in the way you feel when you give. If you give with reluctance or bitterness.....guess what?.....not so good.....You must give with the right intentions....and not expect anything in return. You must be happy to give and enjoy giving whatever it is. And it doesn't have to be anything material. It can be as simple as a nod, a song, a compliment or a smile. Just give it with an open heart. The more you give.....the more you receive.

So, Gommy has to work on this premise more to get it down so it comes more freely without the worry that it will deplete my store of 'whatever' because it won't. Now, Grandpa has it down pat already. In fact, Goms has to hold the reins sometimes so he doesn't give everything away. But Grandpa is supposed to be teaching Goms the lesson that it is alright to give....and to be gracious while doing so. Thank you Grandpa. Everyone that comes into our lives is meant to teach us lessons. We keep teaching each other stuff all the time. And you know what? It gets easier as we go along. In fact, we are at the place now where we are actually looking for the lessons. It is so much easier than getting hit over the head all the time.

So, boys and girls.....give it a try. You've heard the old saying, "Give til' it hurts.".......Well practice giving and giving and giving.....until it doesn't hurt any longer. You can do it.... Gommy is pulling for you (and for Gommy too...tee, hee) Hugs and Mush.....Gommy

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