Gommy usually hears something, reads something or has a feeling come over me that later becomes a 'Gommy's Goody' blog. This week they seem to be coming in from every angle imaginable.
First, Goms heard someone talking about how that, even in the face of adversity, there is always something to take away from the experience that will help us in the long run.....if we are able to 'learn the lesson' we are supposed to be learning from the lesson. Goms heard of one man who said that because of an illness that took his tongue, jaw and most of his mouth away, he could no longer eat food in the usual way the rest of us do and take for granted several times a day. He said that when he sees a food now that looks so delicious to him, he is immediately reminded of a time he enjoyed that food with someone very special to him. He can recall the exact time, occasion or place he enjoyed that repast. His ability to taste food may be gone but God replaced that lost pleasure with a vivid memory of a time spent with someone he loved and maybe is no longer alive. And he can now relive that experience over and over again. I'll take a visit with my departed loved ones or a past holiday meal spent with them any day over a piece of fried chicken!
Then Goms was thinking about how so many times in our lives we take for granted that we will always be around and we do some foolish things that may take away our precious time here on Earth. Or we are careless with our friends or family members and assume they will always be there for us. The reality is that there are no 'do-overs' in life. Once it is said, done or the 'bridge has been burned'.....there is no going back, or taking it back...just the realization that what's done is done and we just have to learn to live with it. But how we live with it (react), also affects the rest of our life. Never miss the opportunity to tell your friends and family that you love them....it may just be the last time you get to tell them.
Another poignant statement that hit Goms this week was from a Facebook profile statement...it said something about steering clear of the three 'N's' ......that would be the negative, the needy and the nasty types of people.....How true is that???? How uncomfortable is it to be around those types of people? They are usually the 'it's all about me' types anyway and it can become very tedious over time to associate with the self-absorbed person who never really listens to anyone else...because they are too obsessed about themselves to care about you. Who needs to be hanging around those types anyhow??? My mother always said that God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason.....You must listen to someone intently if you are going to ever understand them. If you are constantly talking over people...you won't ever be 'getting it' or 'them'. And all the while, you will be wondering why you don't connect with people....DUH!
Then, this week Gommy received a gift for my daughter Tiffanys' birthday. Tiffany died 17 years ago but she touched so many people in the short 17 years she lived that it amazes Goms. That is until I realize it is my Tiff that I'm talking about. The gift was from Tiffany's art teacher, Carla Stiles. Carla has NEVER missed a birthday, to send me an angel -related gift and a card saying "Happy Birthday Tiff" and that it is another year without our sunshine girl. Can you believe that someone made such an impression on someone that they are never forgotten in all these years? Well, sadly, you didn't know my Tiff. It says volumes about the wonderful woman Carla Stiles is as well. Each year, it makes a very sad day a little brighter for Goms to know someone who knew Tiff and loved her, is remembering her along with me.
So, peeps....remember that you may not think it is much of a big deal to do something nice for someone.....or that someone may just need to have you listen to them instead of talking over them about your own woes....or realize that everyone is having their own crisis or troubles and may just need a kind word or an 'ear', instead of your judgement of them. But it really is all about all of us. We are all connected and the way we 'handle' each other and our circumstances and situations is like an eddy in a pond. It ripples outward and touches everyone else. And also, remember Karma....what you dish out WILL come back to you...either in the way of good things or bad things. Personally, Goms prefers the good stuff!
So be nice to each other boys and girls.....you may be in need of a shoulder, a helping hand or a kind word some day.....Reap and Sow.....Reap and Sow.....Reap and Sow....Gommy is pulling for you...Hugs to all.......