'Family' seems to have mutated (an ugly word for an ugly development) into people who live in different parts of the country or who we just lose track of for reasons of time, locale and/or rifts. It is a shame that families can't be pure of heart like our children. There is nothing like family. When a rift happens to tear a family apart, it is often over money. Either someone borrowed some and didn't repay it back, or one of the members of the family has a bunch of money and the other member has too little and that is when jealousies can fester. Sometimes it is money that parents left after they have passed. You get the drift here, don't you? Maybe that is where the proverb that "Money is the root of all evil." came from. The real proverb is; "The love of money is the root of all evil." What Gommy thinks that may mean is that if you love money more than a person....that is evil. Not evil in the moral or beastly sense of the word but evil in the definition; "As it brings unhappiness of a being or deprives a being of any good." Money can come and go but you cannot buy family or happiness.
Family should stick together and help each other out when possible. We should always help anyone that is in need but there is an extra element when it comes to your family. Sometimes a particular person in the family makes it very difficult to help them.....but that is usually exactly the person that needs the help the most. If we just turn our backs on them....they are really lost to us and to themselves.
So Gommy wants to say how grateful I am for my family. None of us are perfect....but it sure brings some warmth to the cockles of your heart to know you have and are part of a family. Forgiveness is the first step in giving yourself a very nice gift....maybe a member of the family that needs you just as much as you need them is waiting for a hug.......Let's all have a group hug now....let's sing "Kumbaya....Kumbaya"....there isn't that nice now???