Happy Sunday all you sweeties out there in blogland. You know who you are and sadly, apparently there are some who it turns out aren't such sweeties out there and they know who they are as well.
That brings Gommy to thinking about Social Networks and how they can go all wrong if left in the hands of the wrong people. But it will never change that, how does the old saying go?...... 'one bad apple can ruin the whole barrel'. It has come to Goms' attention lately that some people are taking offense and hurting others with these wonderful sites. Goms knows that wasn't the intention of the brilliant young people who invented and developed all the new sites that allow us to keep in touch with friends and family.
Gommy hadn't even heard of Facebook a few months ago.But after joining Facebook and absolutely loving how it was so easy reconnecting with friends from my waaaaay, waaaaay long ago past and with family and even my current friends and friends I was missing in the last place Grandpa and I lived, Goms just loved being able to keep up with everyone. Facebook has even been a conduit to sharing this blog with more people.
A friend of mine just unsubscribed to Facebook yesterday and I was so sad to hear that. Apparently it had caused some problems at work when other people read something they didn't like or something.....If the truth be known, what they read had nothing to do with them, but being the human beings we all are.....we assume everything HAS to be about us....right???? NO...that isn't right. Things only touch your heart or make you mad if you HAVE done something that you are taking offense to. These networks were meant to stay and keep in touch with people more easily and for us to write a 'short' update about what we are doing, what our kids are doing or show pictures of the kids and grandkids....yada,yada,yada. It was not meant to discuss politics, your sex life, someone you don't like at work, your personal finances......those are things that ARE and should STAY personal and private or you can put in a blog if you don't think or care if they will cause you any repercussions. Goms even answered a few times about some political issues until I realized that I don't really care what other people think about my politics.....that is why they are MINE....
Now, let Goms state again, right now, that this is Goms' opinion......and it is still a free country, so I will continue to blog about MY opinions.......if anyone doesn't like what I blog about......sorry, but maybe you shouldn't click onto my site. There are plenty of other generic blogs out there to read that are about flowers, photography, nature.....etc., you know blogs that can't offend you.
Another thing that Goms thinks can come back to hurt you someday is when you put something that is distasteful or 'dirty' on your site page. Goms sees all sorts of things that people 'share' out there on these networks that can come back to 'haunt' them when they get out of college and their boss looks up their 'status page' to see what sort of person is applying for some prestigious position....and don't think just because you didn't 'friend' them that they can't see it through someone else's Facebook page. Remember.....all this stuff is out there in the Ethernet FOREVER!!!! YIKES :0).......I remember something my grandmother used to say that was a quote from a 1600's clergyman named Thomas Fuller.....it was ...., 'Fools names and fools faces always appear in public places.' (sic) What Goms thinks he meant is that 'foolish' people don't stop to think how something will affect them or a friend or family member by putting 'stuff' out there for everyone to see and read. Remember Goms' blog on using a 'filter'.....(the one you should use in your thinking brain BEFORE you share it with the whole world........?
Soooooo take a deep breath boys and girls and people all over.....and start thinking with your brain before you engage your fingers on the keyboard, to how it will affect someone or anyone that is going to read it. And they ARE going to read it......... Have a great week everyone..........Gommy is surely going to have a great week... ;) Hugs and Mush to all!!!!