Gommy wants to wish everyone a truly happy and thankful Thanksgiving Day for tomorrow. Many will be visiting friends and family and hopefully the meaning of the day will touch our hearts and make us realize how much we all do have to be grateful and thankful for.
Sadly, there are many who will not get a delicious turkey and trimmings sort of day. They won't be sitting down with family to enjoy the blessings in front of them on the table or the loved ones all around them to share a bountiful meal with. They will be lucky if they get a crumb and a bowl of soup at a facility that is thankfully there for them each year while the rest of us are enjoying our day.
Goms doesn't want to be dreary but sometimes we need a wake-up call to become aware of just how much we do have. Goms, for one, is so very thankful for my friends and family and for a job with wonderful bosses and co-workers and a home to live in and a nice warm bed to sleep in and food in the fridge. Goms is also thankful for a wonderful husband to share all these things with. Thank you God.....
Goms has posted this piece by an unknown author before, but Thanksgiving is probably the most appropriate time to re-post it.....Just in case you can't think of something to be thankful for tomorrow........try this" If you find it hard to sleep at night, remember the homeless family who has no bed to lie in tonight. If you are stuck in traffic and find yourself getting upset, know there are people in this world for whom driving is not a privilege. If you have a bad day at work, think of the man or woman with a family to feed who has been out of work for months. If you should have a disappointing relationship, think of the person who has never known love, been loved or has lost a loved one. If your car should break down, think of the paraplegic who would love the opportunity to take the walk to find assistance. If you find yourself complaining about your life, remember those who didn't live long enough to have the opportunity to live a longer life. If you are having a bad hair day, think of the cancer patient in chemo who wishes they HAD hair. And finally, should you find yourself the victim of other people's prejudices, bitterness, anger, ignorance, smallness or insecurities, remember that things could be worse..... you could BE them. (sic)
Have a blessed day and enjoy yourself and your family tomorrow and really think about all you have to be thankful for.....there many things..... Goms is sure!!!