Hello boys and girls. This pre-Fall weather is sure nice. Loving every day of this beautiful cooler weather! Now, for todays' thoughts.....Gommy started up the old computer early this morning and there was one of those gotcha' posts on AOL about computer jargon. The one that grabbed my attention was the definition of 'Defragmenting'. 'They' said that it is advisable to defragment your computer every so often to keep it running smoothly.
Low and behold...after reading the definition....it made sense that maybe we all need to defrag once in a while! The definition was: to analyze local volumes and relocate files and folders and consolidate on your 'hard drive' to make it more efficient.
Yowza...it occured to Gommy that my 'hard drive' could use some efficiency tweaking too. I translated the wordage to: redefine my priorities on my files and folders (my daily thought processes) to make sure the important stuff was 'filed' in the correct compartment (areas of my brain/and or life). The definition went on to say that with all the 'downloading' of information (same as all the information and situations that daily comes into our lives), some of the files get scattered and stored in the wrong locations. DUH....been there!
There are many times that we put the cart before the horse (I know...that's an old saying....but you have to remember....Goms has been around a looooong time!) and we make mountains out of molehills (I know...I knooooow, another oldie). And at those times it would be prudent to take the time to take out the files and folders (memories, daily annoyances, things or people that get you in a bad mood or your undies in a wad), that aren't doing anything good and that don't make you joyful any longer. They aren't of any benefit to you.....so just delete them from your 'save as' files.
This computer stuff can easily be translated to an easier way to live life. We store up so much useless junk in our minds and psyches that we become overloaded and bogged down. And after a while, just like our computers.....we can crash!!! So, Gommys' advice this morning is to take out the stuff, people, circumstances or anything else that is bogging you down and just erase it from your 'memory'. Or, at least know that it is there in a hidden 'temporary file' that you don't need any longer.
Now, try to only download the stuff that makes you happy. Put some 'malware' on your computer (brain/awareness) and when the icky stuff tries to get in.....at least the anti-virus software (your new awareness) you have now 'installed' will come up and say..."there is some junk that wants to get in....are you sure you want to download it?". Try it kids.....you can do it....Gommy is pulling for you! Hugs & Mush, Gommy