Thursday, November 12, 2009

Pre-Thanksgiving Thanks

Hi boys and girls....this week, a friend of Gommys' asked if Goms could put a reason to be thankful on my Facebook status every day, leading up to Thanksgiving Day. She said it would get harder each day, but Goms has found it to be pretty easy. Gommy has soooooo many things to be thankful for that it would take many years of days leading up to Thanksgivings until Goms isn't here any longer to say how thankful I am.

Believe it or not, growing older is one thing that Gommy is thankful for. Growing older is such a gift because although our physical eyesight may worsen, our spiritual eyesight becomes 20/20. We actually do become so much more thankful for so many things in our lives. We can see things much more clearly than when we were young. We are so much more comfortable in our own skin than when we were young (plus, there is alot more skin to be comfortable in, LOL). When we are young, we thought it was the end of the world if we broke up with someone. But when we get older.....we realize that we can't even remember how they looked or what their name was in some instances....When we are young parents, we think we are 'breaking' our kids or ruining them for life....but when we get older we see that everyone makes mistakes with their kids and they aren't really broken or ruined after all. When we are young, we think life is too boring, or too busy or too chaotic or too........but when we get older, we realize those were the 'best' years with our children. Those were the years our children still wanted to be with us, sleep WITH us, take care of them..... We see all of these things crystal clearly as we age. It is really a shame that we can't have a glimpse into the future when it would really help us deal with what we are dealing with on a daily basis as young adults and parents.

There is a quote that says, "If you knew who walks beside you at all times, on this path that YOU have chosen, you could never experience doubt or fear again." (sic) What that means is that we are trying too hard to manage the details of our lives and the details are occupying too much of our intentions.

Intention is another meaningful word. There was a man named Carlos Castaneda, who was born in Peru in 1925. He was an anthropologist, author and a philosopher who said, "In the Universe, there is an unmeasurable and indescribable Force which those who live 'of the source', is called intention. And that absolutely everything that exists in the entire cosmos is attached to 'intent' by a connecting link." Goms thinks he meant that everything in the Universe that 'is' or is happening is meant to happen, so we should surrender when things are seemingly falling apart because we aren't really in control, that by 'letting go' and 'going with the flow', we can take it a bit easier. Now, that doesn't mean to give up.....Just like the American Indian quote goes....."Pray to God, but row away from the rocks."....we can't just idly walk in front of oncoming traffic and say, "Oh well, it was intended to be." The connecting link thingy means to Gommy that we are interconnected in ways that we don't even realize. Like, did you ever think why you clicked onto 'gommysgoodies' today? Maybe you were supposed to learn some 'lesson' from reading my blog today.

We can also intend to heal don't get scared away here.....Goms isn't some woo-woo self-professed 'Faith Healer'. But if you think about our bodies, our body is meant to heal itself....don't think so? Have you ever thought why a scratch gets covered over by a scab? Or how does that nagging cough from our colds finally go away? Or why do we get low-grade fevers, (in case you really don't know that one..... some low-grade fevers actually kill off bacteria in our body to fight infection and allow us to heal.) So there.......we are meant to "Heal Thyself" coin a phrase...LOL

So, now on to the next step. If you intend for something to happen (manifest) in your life, you must attempt to manifest what you want with 'passion'. Passion is when you are really serious about what you want in your life. Without passion, Wayne Dyer says it is,"like dressing up a corpse." Pretty futile right? Or like my Mom used to say...."You are all dressed up with no place to go." You have to be passionate about what you want to have it manifest. Gommy is absolutely, positively and unabashedly sure that Grandpa Mike and Goms is back in Florida to live because Goms was passionate about wanting to live back here. There were no signs that it could EVER happen a little over a year ago with the circumstances we were facing.....but voile' we are! Living proof....and there were many who thought Goms was a bit woo-woo when I just knew it would happen......ta-daaaa!

So, everyone out there in blogland.....think of things you have to be grateful for and be passionate about the things you desire. Then and only then will they manifest....Toodle- ooooo and good luck - Hugs & Mush, Gommys