Thursday, August 26, 2010

Is Everyone Ready For a Little...................R & R????

Hi boys and girls. Gommy heard the phrase R & R this week and realized that it was being referred to as Rest & Relaxation. But Gommy wondered what else could R & R mean. For today's thought....Goms wants to use it as Risk and Reward.

Risk and Reward means that sometimes we have to take a little risk to get a big reward. How, you ask? Let Gommy tell you how. If we stay in our safe little world, never venturing out to what some of our desires may be.....we get stuck in a rut. Sometimes, we have to change our perspective about the way we are living our lives....if we want them to get any better. If you are all happy, fulfilled, at peace and living the life you love.....then this blog today is not for you. You may be excused from today's lesson.... ;-)

But if you want to understand how our perspective on things 'causes' us to be living the life we are living....then read on peeps! Take a radio station frequency or a TV station. We can 'tune' in or 'tune' to another station or show anytime we want to listen or watch something else. BUT...what do you think is happening to all the multitudes of other stations that are out there waiting to be 'called' upon by you or any other person? They are still there, aren't they? That is the same way the situations of our life are being called to us..... by us. The things we are tuning into.

If we just look through a set of binoculars....we are only seeing the thing we are focusing on through the sight-holes aren't we? We cannot even see what is happening in the same room we are in..... at the same time. There could be people coming in and going out of the room, and we can't 'see' it because we are only focusing our 'awareness' on the object we are looking at through the binoculars. Make sense boys and girls?

Think about this.....I'm sure we have all heard that we are all 'creatures of habit'. That is because we get comfortable in our little 'bubble' that we have made for ourselves and we don't usually like it when we are nudged out of it. But if we aren't exactly thrilled with how we have 'made' up our little reality, then we have to Risk changing to receive any Rewards......Can't have it both ways peeps. If you want to change something in your have to change the way you are calling it to you.

Going back to the radio and TV station analogy....if you really don't think you can 'call' up how you are perceiving your life....then how can we reach back in our memory bank to a time or to a person from our past? Where was that memory before we 'decided or called' it into being? It was still 'OUT THERE'.....somewhere waiting to be called forth. If we are constantly saying how bleak our lives are....or how unlucky we are.......or how nothing seems to ever go our way.........guess what? You are right. You are calling that to yourself. If, on the other hand, you have the mindset that you are always 'lucky' or that things just seem to fall into place for you or you always seem to be at the right place at the right time.....guess what? You are RIGHT again! That's how it works my good friends. is the 'trick' or the 'secret' cannot and I repeat....loudly...CANNOT!!!!! have conflicting thoughts while calling 'whatever' it is to you. You can't say....I want to win the lottery....but deep down you are still cultivating that old mindset of....BUT I've never been lucky. You have to get to the 'root' of what you really believe....way down deep in your 'made up' idea of yourself.

For example, Gommys' husband....Grandpa Mike, has always been considered the luckiest guy anyone has ever met. Gommy has seen several examples of how this would seem to be the case. Each time we are together and are looking for a parking spot....Grandpa always seems to find one right in front of the place of business we are going to. And he always remarks....."Looks like we found my spot." And we dooooooo! Amazingly. Grandpa Mike always thinks he is going to find the perfect parking spot......and by golly.....he does.

Another example would be that when you are carrying a bowl of some sort of liquid....soup, cereal..etc. and you think you are going to spill it.....nine times out of do spill it. Or how many times have we said to ourselves that we are probably going to slip and fall at the most inopportune moment....and we do? Or almost do....and then make a quick self-correct just before we bust our butts. We are focusing on doing it and we do it. Or how about the athlete that sees themselves beating the World Record....or winning the game? They willed it. You may ask what about the other side. They wanted to win too, didn't they? Well...maybe they didn't completely 'BELIEVE' they were going to win.

Here is another really good example. No names here........but Gommy bets you can figure out who we are talking about. There is an exceptionally talented golfer who was considered a phenom. Who no one could seem to beat....who won all the major tournaments there were to win. Everyone said he had the focus to win.....he was always in the 'zone'....he saw himself winning all the time.......and so did everyone else. day (or a number of days) this golfer took his focus off his game and turned it somewhere else. Somewhere that was not a good place to go or to focus on. Guess what? His game went down the to speak. Now, the reality is that this golfer is still the same golfer that was considered to be a phenom.....he still has all the skills he ever did....nothing happened to his abilities....The only thing that changed was his focus and his belief that he could still win his golf matches. His perspecetive changed and so did many of his fans' perspectives change about him.

So, why not try to Risk a little something......that you probably don't even like anyway.....and look for the Reward you may be revealing for yourself, from a shift in your awareness or perspective? Look outside of the bubble or binoculars. There are several different ways to look at the same thing. Try seeing the glass half full for a change. You can find just as many things that are going right as you can find that are negative. We seem to always find what we are focusing on.....don't we???? Like the great motivational speaker Wayne Dyer says......."If we change the way we look at things....the things we look at change." I know...I know.... I keep referring to that quote....but it really rings true in most every instance we can think of. Try it boys and can do it....Gommy is pulling for you! Hugs & Mush, Goms