Thursday, October 28, 2010

Yes Virginia...There is a God!

Hello Boys and Girls. Gommy has been studying about this consciousness 'stuff' and, awareness, God/Universe/Being/Source, etc… and for the life of me….I can’t understand how anyone can think this all just ‘happened’ in some Big Bang coincidence. There is too much perfection in everything from atmospheres, tides, flora-fauna, the planets, stars, galaxies and even in we humans. There are soooo many things that go on in a human body that we usually don’t even think about. Like; where are the words in your brain stored that is able to read this right now? What is making you breath in and out, keeping your heart beating, or having our white cells know which germ to attack and which to leave alone because it is healthy? Where is the color red or blue or green in your brain? Where was it before you had the thought of a particular color and brought it forth? Where are your emotions stored? How does grass grow on the sides of hills and mountains, that were not planted, so there isn’t erosion? Did you know the birds and other animals eat the seeds and then as they eliminate them from their systems….new grass is ‘planted’ elsewhere. Why does that happen? Just coincidence? I think not. It has been carefully orchestrated by a being much, much, much smarter than we could ever imagine with our miniscule understanding. I was reading about how Salmon find their way back home to spawn… Homing Pigeons also find their way back home, even if they are let loose hundreds of miles away….and how Bees ‘see’ differently than humans so they can find the different flowers they need for food and to germinate other flowers for procreation of the plant.

It got Gommy to thinking….hmmmmm. All of these creatures use and are actually energy in some form or fashion to navigate their way around. And seeing we are ALL made up of energy,….humans as well as animals, fish, flora (yes, even flowers, trees and plants are energy). We all remember learning about photosynthesis in Science class don’t we? (Photosynthesis - a metabolic pathway that converts light energy into chemical energy)…then we must all be interconnected by all of our energies ‘feeding’ off each other.

If anyone has ever wondered how God created everything to work precisely how it is supposed to work…..this is a little hint. It is how the Divine Laws of the Universe work all the time…whether or not you choose to believe them. God doesn’t have an ego, so don’t worry about hurting His feelings. He couldn’t be bothered by such nit-picky emotions, so he makes sure things keep working as they should whether you agree with His methods or not. Thank God…lol…God had to design everything to work perfectly…no matter what. That is why when bad stuff happens… shouldn’t blame God. Bad stuff just does happen. It isn't God trying to ruin your day or your life.

It mostly happens when we aren’t completely in the ‘NOW’. Think about the last time you tripped over something, or you had a fender bender, or you went passed the street you were supposed to turn on. You did those things when you had let your mind wander away from what your attention was supposed to be focused on.

The same thing happens when we are living in the past or looking forward to the future. We are not tending to our NOW. Our NOW is all we really have. So, it would be wise to nurture it….pay attention to it…. and savor it. While we are thinking of other stuff….our present NOW is not getting our very deserved undivided attention. That is when stuff happens that isn’t what we want to happen.

It can happen to a marriage, a job, raising a child….(fill in the blank here). That is why you hear people say….time flies or I can’t believe I am this age or what happened to my romantic marriage or my innocent children. Or I haven’t heard from my old friend (fill in the blank) in a long time. Or where did the time go? Gommy will tell you where it went….It went somewhere fast….when you weren’t paying any attention to it.

The only time that we don’t think of time is when we are so absorbed in something that we love, love, love doing that we don’t even think of a clock or the time. But what happens then, is that whatever it was that you were so engrossed in….turns out to have a wonderful outcome and is very rewarding and enjoyable. That works for raising your children, enjoying friendships, having a happy marriage or loving the work you do for your living.

So, take the time to enjoy the important things in life. It will be so much more enjoyable for you…I promise. You can do it….Gommy is pulling for you.

Oh....and in case you don’t believe Gommy about the birds and the bees and the flowers and the trees….here are some interesting facts (below) about how God made sure all this wonderful stuff we get to enjoy…. actually does work!!! It’s the Universal Laws at work folks….whether you believe it or not. Hugs & Mush, Gommy

How is it that homing pigeons find their way home?

This has been an area of intense research in recent years. It turns out that pigeons and a number of other species including bats have metal deposits in their heads. These metal deposits, hematite, are iron and they're magnetically sensitive. They use the Earth's magnetic field as a kind of compass (and you need energy to create a magnetic field). They know the sun rises in the east and sets in the west and so by using sunrise and sunset they are able to gain timing. They set their compass according to where the sun is at certain times. That gives them their compass directions. By changing their orientation relative to the Earth's magnetic field they are able to navigate. They use this as a broad directional cue. At the same time they also use visual cues because they have the hippocampus part of their brain, which registers where they are in relation to their environment.

How do salmon find the way back to their spawning grounds?

Scientists do not know exactly how a salmon "remembers" the way back to its native stream after an ocean journey possibly lasting several years and covering several thousand miles. They agree, however, that salmon, like homing pigeons, appear to have an innate compass or "search recognition" mechanism that does not rely on the sun, moon, stars, or physical signs. Some scientists theorize that the salmon's internal compass uses the tiny electrical voltages, generated by ocean currents, moving through the earth's magnetic field. Others believe that the salmon's homing mechanism may take its cues from the varying salinities (levels of saltiness) of the water or the specific smells encountered along the journey.

Can Bees See Color?

Yes, which is how bees can navigate (using the sun as a reference) even on a cloudy day, because Ultraviolet light passes through clouds. Just as we see the sun in a blue sky background on a clear day, theBee sees the sun in an ultraviolet sky background on even a cloudy day. The underlying reason that the sky appears ultraviolet to a bee (and blue to us) is that something happens to the sun's rays when they hit charged particles. These charged particles are in the ionosphere and in Nitrogen and Oxygen "dipoles" in the atmosphere. The sun's radiation will cause the charged particle to vibrate, and when the charged particle vibrates it re-radiates energy. If you work out the mathematics (physics) of this re-radiation, it turns out that the energy is re-radiated in proportion to the fourth power of the frequency (as discovered by Raleigh in the 1800's and worked out with a more accurate distribution formula by Einstein early in the 20th century). For humans, who have eyes that have blue, yellow and red sensors, the fourth power formula means that blue from the sky is ten times stronger than red, so the sky looks blue. Similarly, for bees (and other insects), the highest frequency sensors in their eyes detect ultraviolet), and so the sky appears ultraviolet to them.

TOLD YA’ ;-)))