Sunday, November 22, 2009

Some Assembly Required

Happy Sunday out there in blogland....The other day, Gommy read the phrase, "Some Assembly Required", and started thinking that the word 'assembly' has different meanings. Assembly can mean; 1) a set of parts to assemble (put together), 2) a set of parts so assembled, 3) a group of persons gathered together for a common reason, 4) a signal by bugle or drum for troops to come together for formation, 5) or a symbolic code for computer sciences... Whew! That is a bunch of meanings.

But for todays' purposes, Goms is going to talk about how we humans seem to require "Some Assembly" in putting ourselves together so we can function. Humans are the only species that Goms knows of that requires a life manual or books on 'how-to' do just about everything......i.e. lectures on how to live our lives, books on our feelings and how to raise our children, guides on what we should and shouldn't eat......geesh, have we gotten that far from our core beings that we can't even figure anything out for ourselves???? When you think about it, horses don't have manuals, tigers don't have manuals, goats and birds don't need to read a book on how to raise their young, elephants just know what they are supposed to eat and what not to you see a pattern here? Humans make such a big deal out of everything we do or feel or think, that we need a virtual 'life-road-map' to figure out where we've been or where we are going. We have, somewhere along the way, lost the ability to instinctively know what is best for us.

It's not really Rocket Science boys and girls. Eat, drink, sleep, go to work, be nice, appreciate what you have, show kindness to others, respect yourself and others, come back home.....REPEAT!!! When we realize that all the things we really need are already laid out for us to enjoy, we shouldn't mess with perfection......If it ain't broke....don't fix it! God already did a pretty good job of making sure we had everything we ever needed right here on the planet Earth. We just decided, in our infinite (or was it just finite) wisdom, that we could improve on things.....NOT!!!

Adam and Eve started this whole thing off, so we can blame them. Eckhart Tolle explains in his book, "A New Earth", that the Bible was translated from the ancient Greek, in which the New Testament was written, into English. In the translation, 'sin' is a word that has been misinterpreted and misunderstood over the years. The word sin was meant as, 'to miss the mark'. And 'Original Sin' was just meant to explain how Adam and Eve missed the mark for the very first time. Meaning, to miss the target or miss the point of human existence.

It means we suffer and cause suffering because we live our lives without thinking about the real meaning of our lives. We don't take the time to enjoy all that we are hurriedly trying to accumulate. We don't appreciate all we do have. Then we wait until people are dead and gone before we realize how much they meant to us and how much we will miss them.....AND how we wish we would have told them how much they meant while they were still here. So, if you take all the cultural baggage and the misinterpretation that has been handed down through the centuries, you will see that 'Original Sin' merely points to the inherent dysfunction in the human condition.

Soooooooo, Gommy says to STOP! 'missing the mark' and start enjoying all you do have. Be it a little or a whole lot.....there are many things to be grateful for in our lives. Just look around you. Everything we need, we already have, and it is really all we can say grace over. We don't have to continue the human dysfunctional way of living if we just take the time to be thankful for all the wonderful things life does have to offer. Have a great week boys and girls and Goms wishes you a wonderful Turkey Day.....Goms is sure going to enjoy and be thankful for spending the day with Grandpa, Tracey and her family on Turkey Day..... aka Thanksgiving.....YUM! ((*.*))