Well, it is 2010 and Gommy wants to wish everyone a wonderful and Happy New Year. As for myself.....I don't think it can get much better than last year so Goms will continue to be grateful for everything and everyone in my life. The blessings are too numerous to mention them all but there were a pile of them for Gommy and Grandpa Mike.
Each year, millions of people make resolutions, i.e. promises about their personal goals for the coming year. The irony is that most resolutions are broken and people find they can't keep the promises they made, even though it was to themselves. The reason is that 'old habits die hard.'
If you want to make sure you CAN keep your goal......don't make it too hard. Be a little easier on yourself. If you choose something that really means something to you and to your core values, it may be easier to see it through. The real secret is to make sure it is something YOU want to do and not something a loved one or your spouse wants you to do.
Most people choose something like losing weight or managing their finances better or learning a new skill such as a language. It is hard to change the habits we have become so accustomed to living, so it will take real effort to break out of our ruts and BE different about how we choose our food or manage our finances and spending habits or making the time to learn that new skill.
One of the best things you can do to start off is to tell yourself, "I am wonderful!" If you feel good about yourself to begin with, you will try harder to make your life easier in any of the areas that you feel need fixin' or you just want to improve on or learn about.
If you are going to try to lose weight this year, maybe joining a gym would be a good idea. There are some great deals out there right now because memberships at gyms have declined as the waistlines of so many have increased.....there are some incentives out there for the gyms to make deals with prospective members.
If you are trying to rein in your spending habits this year, it's a good time to realize that meatloaf and Yahtzee at home really isn't too bad at all. In fact, it is really quite a lot of fun. When was the last time you ate as a family or had game night around the table? Invite some couples over and have a 'potluck dinner' where everyone brings something and it doesn't end up costing the hosts a bunch of money and after dinner, bring out the games. It is really hilarious fun and you will be surprised how much you will enjoy the night. AND if won't cost you very much at all. AND.......your friends will secretly appreciate that they didn't have to spend a bunch of money as well. It's a win-win all around.
If you want to learn a new language (finally) or take up knitting or sewing.....or whatever it is that you have always wanted to do.....you must MAKE the time, somewhere in your week to set aside even an hour to learning whatever it is you want to do. You may say you don't have an hour, but you can't fool Gommy because Goms knows better than that. You all make time to do what you REALLY want to do in your lives, like emailing, Facebooking, Tweeting, running, bowling, watching football on TV......etc. You just have to make a date with yourself to set aside that hour each week to do nothing but focus on your goal.
So, dare to make this year's New Years Resolution.....go on.....you can do it. But remember to make it something you can follow through with and you won't have to feel bad about yourself by failing....... and you may just accomlish something that has been nagging you for a long time. Good luck boys and girls.....Goms is pulling for you. What? What did you say? What is Gommy's New Years Resolution?????? Gommy is resloving to be even more grateful for everyone and everything in my life. There are sooooo many blessings that come to Goms everyday that it will take up all of 2010 to be thankful for them all. Hugs & Mush, Gommy