Gommy hasn't written in her blog for a while. Busy, busy, busy. But there is good reason and good news......Grandpa and Gommy found a new home!!!! It is the best of the best. Right on the intercoastal waters of South Florida......we get to look at all the mansions around us and watch the peaceful waters with the yachts going by. We are Blessed. Moving day next Saturday....YAH :) And can you believe 4 new friends who were virtual strangers to us just a few months ago have offered to help us move? Blessed, Blessed, Blessed, Blessed times 4!!!!
That brings Gommy to point out to all you bloggers out there that a day should never go by that you don't count your blessings. If you are only looking at the things that seem wrong with your world.....you are writing yourself into a sad, sad movie with you as the star of the show! Gommy prefers to look only for the wonderful, splendiferous and abundance there is in this world. It is everywhere! And it is FREE....Like the piece in the Bible that says, "The Lily's in the field don't worry about how they grow..." (sic) That is what we must remember at all times....The sun will still come up tomorrow and the flowers and the crops will still grow and they will not worry if it is going to rain to give them a drink.....they just GROW. If people would just take the same amount of time they do to gripe and complain about their life and focus on all that is right with their lives.......Gommy thinks a smile just might cross out that frown.
But you must remember one important thing....everything that is going on in your lives right now is a reflection of what you are thinking. If you are thinking foul thoughts...you will be in a foul mood. If you are thinking nice thoughts...you will be in a good mood. Think about when you are looking forward to something. You are smiling inside aren't you? But when you are thinking of something you dread.....not so much. All you have to do to turn that frown upside down is think nice things. It isn't that hard. Even when you are at a stop light and cursing the guy in front of you or complaining in your monkey head about how long the light is taking....there is an opportunity right then to be happy. Just take a look around while you are waiting. There is probably a beautiful tree or some pretty landscape that is close by. There may be a mother and child crossing the street and you can feel the love they share.....you may just take the time you are waiting to think of something you are looking forward to or something you just did with the family or friends that was fun.....Switch the grumpy-bug thoughts to something pleasant and you will be amazed at how much better you feel. There is always something to be grateful for.....
So the plan for this week for all you bloggers out there is to look for things to be happy about. They are there. They are just hidden behind your terrible outlook on life. Take a break from the Henny-Penny thinking that the sky is falling. Give yourself a break too.....Everything is just the way it is supposed to be.