Have you ever seen a movie or read a book or witnessed something that touched you so much that it made you ask yourself questions that you thought you had put to rest a long time ago? Gommy saw a movie this week that was all about letting go....and saying good-bye when you weren't ready (as if we are ever ready). And what might happen if you give up and miss what might lie ahead for you.
There are many chapters to our lives. We start out as babies, and have every one of our needs taken care of for us. Then we go through our early developmental years and we begin to form our own likes and dislikes and this begins the process of breaking away and starting to choose things for ourselves. The teens years are filled with drama and strife (both for the parent and the child). A tug-of-war between generations and a need for the teen to see just how good or bad the decisions they are making really are.
College brings another chapter of discovery. We are no longer in the cocoon, where our parents are supplying us with their belief systems. But what we don't realize, is that we are just exchanging our parent's values and beliefs for our professors' slant on life. This period is probably the stage most people remain stuck in, when it comes to their politics and religion. But, it is the time we should really be investigating and discovering what is the right fit for us because this developed belief system is how we will make the important choices we make for rest of our life. Then we become parents ourselves and we hand down our formed belief system to our offspring. It is the circle of life.
But back to the movie.....It showed how we must let go at times to enable us to move forward. There is a quote that Gommy likes that goes..."Life is like a monkey-bar set at the playground. You have to let go of one rung if you are ever to reach for the next one...and ultimately get to the end." That is such a true analogy. We have to let go of things all the time....if we are to grow and learn and hopefully teach.
Some people hold on to their beliefs, even if they have been proven to be wrong. Even if it doesn't serve them as being useful any longer. Even if sticking to the doom of their belief, proves they will be stuck in the muck and mire of unhappiness. That is just a sad way to exist. If you don't allow yourself the chance to find a better way to think, act or believe....you just wilt away and that is a wasted life.
When Gommy's husband died several years ago.....there was really no option of giving up. There were three beautiful children to be taken care of and who needed their mother. When my two beautiful children died....there was no option of giving up because I had a very wonderful and precious daughter who still needed her mother. I thank God every day for giving me something to live for, when it seemed like giving up would have been the easy way to go. I have often said that I know God doesn't give you more than you can handle....but I wish He wouldn't trust me so much.
If I had given up at those horrible times in my life....I would never have been able to enjoy all the Blessings and joy I have been given since those awful times. I have, proudly, seen my daughter graduate from college and graduate school and go on to marry and start her own family. I have wonderful, amazing grandchildren who have provided some of the warmest and sweetest times, and fond memories to stuff in my 'Gommy memory box'. I have an amazing husband to share my remaining years with and enjoy our time together. All of these things I would have missed if I had just given up.
Gommy knows my loved ones are still with me. We will be together again.....some time, some where. As Wayne Dyers says.....one day, we will move from "No-Where to Now-Here". So boys and girls, cherish every day of this gift of life you are given. Know that you are not alone in your times of sadness. Some of us just get our losses all bunched together....and others have theirs spread out. But, the reality is....we all have to face losses and bad times in our lives. So, think of your loved ones and remember all the special times and precious moments you shared and just say....I'll be seeing you.....someday. That is the scariest part for the ones left behind. They feel they will forget their loved ones if they move on. But, they are never forgotten.....in fact, they are with us any time we want them to be. It isn't good-bye forever....it's just Good-Bye for now. Hugs & Mush, Gommy