Sunday, September 6, 2009

Calm Down!!!

It's Sunday, glorious Sunday again. And Gommy is, once again, grateful for another glorious Sunday.....This Sunday, Gommy wants to say a prayer for all those people out there who are so wound up about the economy, the President, the state of the union and the world, their life, and .....yada,yada,yada................. to CALM DOWN......

Why does it seem some people are not happy unless they are spewing vitriolic mumbo jumbo to scare other people who don't keep up on what is going on? Not very nice, says Gommy. Now, these are people who have a very nice house, a good job, a wonderful spouse and healthy why in the heck are they so UNHAPPY about life????

As far as trying to scare people who may not know the difference, by telling them there is a scarcity of 'whatever',...........clue.........there are no shortages. Look around you. Is there a shortage of grass growing on the ground? Is there a shortage of food on the shelves when you go to the multiple selections of grocery stores? Are any of us so skinny because we didn't have enough to eat lately? NOT.....Gommy for one doesn't have the problem of being too skinny, ha,ha. My point is that there have always been Henny Pennys' around who just LOVE to scare everyone with their screaming of, "The sky is falling, the sky is falling". And guess what??? The sky is still thankfully up where it is supposed to be.....WHEW..............So quit telling us it is falling....PLEASE...

It must be so tiresome to the friends, children and spouses of these people who only look for the 'bad news' in everything. Gommy has even quit watching the news because there is never anything good on the news shows anyway....sooooooooo why watch? I read recently that a study was done with a group of severely depressed people. The only thing they were asked to do was to write down three things each day that they were grateful for. And within 15 days of the study, 94% of the people were less depressed. That shows Gommy that staying 'upbeat' and grateful is healthy. Other studies have also shown that being positive also stimulates your immune system to ward off illnesses and other booga-boos.

Obsessing over the news or other negative things will make you borderline 'looney-bins' (and sometimes REALLY looney-bins) if you aren't careful. If you dwell on negative things, your life and outlook will be negative. If you are just one of those 'worrier' out a few minutes a day to 'worry' (if that will make you feel better....HUH??? ha,ha). Then after the allotted time you give yourself to 'worry, fret or stew', STOP IT!!!!!! Another study said that people who only look for negative things, do so because they don't really have a life so they try to make other people afraid of everything too so they will be miserable as well. You know the old saying, "Misery loves company". Gommy chooses to opt out of that club thank you.....

If you don't care about other people, you should at least care what you are doing to your children....Don't think they aren't like little sponges that pick up every little thing you say, do or feel. Do you want them to grow up to be like you????............I hope not. You should want them to be happy!!!!! Don't you want your children to have the sense of faith, or if you aren't religious, at least have something to look forward to, that they will be alright? Do you want them to worry like you all the time that something awful is pending that will make their life horrible? Now if this is really making you mad right now.....ha...I gotcha. The closer someone is to hitting it on the head about our personality faults....the madder we get about it and the more offense we take. If you really want to be happy and live in the world with all the crap stuff that goes have to start to STOP complaining and stewing about the same thing over and over.

Why not try this: Think of all the things in your life that you SHOULD be grateful for and write them down. You will really be surprised and it will take a lot longer than you think it will. If you can't think of anything...........Gommy is really sorry for you. But you can start with your still like to breathe don't you? Don't YOU? Then you can add your healthy children, your job (if you don't like your job, at least you have a job. Unlike so many who have to feed their children and put a roof over their heads and don't have a job), your spouse, the computer you use to spew your distorted tirades on.....oops.... feelings on. The more things you can put down to feel grateful for, the better you will start to feel about your life.

Well you may say that Gommy is a Pollyanna.............but I'll take being a Pollyanna any day over being a Henny Penny. It is just less tiresome.....So Gommy says to 'man-up' or 'woman-up' and put on your big people undies and deal with whatever it is that is making you so grumpy......There are those of us who choose to look forward to another glorious Sunday to be grateful for.....Hugs & Mush, Gommy