There are many seasons of our lives....there are the yearly seasons of Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring. There are the Christian holiday seasons; Easter and Christmas. And then there are the seasons of our life.....birth and death. Sometimes football games can lead you to wish you were 'dead' when you have bet too much on your losing team.....Geesh....what were you thinking guy?
But back to football is usually looked forward to with rabid anticipation for many men and quite a few women as well. Gommy thinks it is because after a long, busy and hot summer, most of us are ready to take a break and 'watch' instead of participate. The summer usually brings with it vacations, beach-going, hiking, rollerblading and many other out of doors activities that require us to expend quite a bit of our own energy......Now, the fans can sit and watch other people expend quite a bit of their energy and get to watch them and all the while, we get to eat junk food and socialize with our friends, in person - at the games or just in our living rooms. Bathing suit season is over for this more exercising or holding in the old gut. Pack on the pounds fans...... you can relax until Summer approaches next year and that panic sets in that you have to get ready to put that bikini on again.......UGH!
The hoopla over football is very interesting to Gommy. A bunch of guys try to get an orb from the other bunch of guys and beat up on each other for a couple of hours and the one that gets the orb the most....WINS!!! Wins what? Mostly 'Bragging Rights' that they are the best.....Best what??? Best 'beater-uppers'....And the people who are rooting for them are the 'Best' too. How that is puzzles the mind. Just because you a certain team and they beat up the other team and took their orb away more times.....what?...somehow equates that now you are better...stronger....smarter????? Oh well...........if that is what 'floats your boat', then you 'go guy and girl fan'. Gommy is all about positive 'self-esteem' no matter how you get it (er....almost no matter how you get it). This sort of sporting event has been going on for is not unlike the Gladiators.....except for the killing.....;) - although Gommy has seen a few after-game tail-gate parties that almost included killing the opponents fans......WOW...that is certainly some personal attachment to a game!
But, Gommy has to admit that she looks forward to football season too. That is now that Grandpa Mike and Gommy don't own the golf course anymore. Football season is when the golfing season seemed to go into hibernation up north, along with the opportunity for any form of money coming in to the business to pay the bills! :( ....but now Gommy and Grandpa can enjoy the football season just like 'real' people. Gommy might ad that the weather isn't a dire concern any longer either......Having the weather determine if you are going to make any money on any certain day or if the weather is going to cancel or mess up a money-making golf tournament that you have planned and worked on for months is not so much fun! Gommy can actually enjoy hearing the rain, while taking a nap now.....Thank you God!
I'm guessing all the hype and TV ads really do get you all reved up to begin the