Here it is Sunday again and Gommy has one more week to be grateful for. The birds are chirping, the sun is up, and Gommy has had, yet another, splendiferous week. Life is good. Good in a way that Gommy is thankful for every day of the week.
The week started with Monday and Gommy was scheduled to work at night, which left the day to be a lazy butt and just read my emails, write my blog and go to the magnificent beach......which I might add is only a few steps from Gommys' apartment. Yes, I know I am very fortunate.....Then my daughter Tracey called and asked if I could come over to her house so she could run an errand. Darn.....I had to go see Gommys' little dividends of having her own children....tee,hee. Brandon was his usual smiley, sweet self and Samantha came home after school, all cute, bubbly and animated about her day. See, I told you I was lucky.
Tuesdays' schedule was to work during the day. I love my job. An candy/ice-cream store is such a happy place to spend your work day. Then Tuesday night, Gommy and Grandpa got to stay with the grands while mommy and daddy went to a movie. It never ceases to amaze Gommy how enjoyable it is to be with the little sweeties. After dinner, Grandpa took Samantha (2 3/4 years old) in her stroller down the street to get ice-cream. It was her treat, since she has been earning an allowance at two!!!! Mommy and daddy are sure on the ball with these younguns'. The funniest thing was Grandpa explaining the walk to the ice-cream store. The stroller was one of those light-weight umbrella strollers so Grandpa was pushing with one hand and walking beside Samantha. That is when Samantha told Grandpa, in no uncertain terms, "Grandpa! You have to use both hands when you push me." Of course, he obeyed. Then she asked Grandpa to stop when they got to the part of the sidewalk where they could see the back of her house (excuse me - castle) and she said, "Grandpa, there is Samanthas' castle, isn't it beautiful?"
Unfortunately, when they reached the ice-cream store, it had a note on the door saying that they were on vacation. Grandpa had to think fast and said, "I know what we can do. We can go to Publix (a local grocery store)". She was agreeable and it is just across the street anyway. When they came to the store Sam points and says, "There's Publix! But be careful crossing the street Grandpa. Make sure you look both ways and be very careful." Now I know Gommy is prejudiced, but she is only 2 for crying out loud. I see children all the time who are still trying to say their name at 2 and 3......Oh well, I know what I know......she is brilliant...there I said it....sue me.
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday were glorious days at work then quality time with Grandpa at night, including dinner, TV and early to bed........the older Gommy gets, the more a good nights sleep is appreciated.
Saturday was Gommys's off day and it started off and ended with enjoying the beach. The beach in the morning is so peaceful. Not many people are up yet and it seems as if Gommy is the only person left on the earth.....sounds like a movie...ha,ha. Then a shower and off to the grocery store for vittles for the week. Grandpa got home from work around 2pm and even though he was tired, Gommy talked him into going to the beach again. When we got there, we found our neighbors were playing horseshoes on the sand. Now Grandpa used to be in a horseshoe league in college and has always enjoyed playing (actually it was the winning he enjoyed). He joined in with the young men and he won!!! All of a sudden, he wasn't so tired anymore. Amazing...... But you know the old saying, "there may be snow on the roof, but there is still fire in the belly." No pun intended about the belly Grandpa......ha,ha.
Then, while looking at the newest entries in Facebook, Gommy spotted our little two month old granddaughter Kyra apparently having had a regal day at her aunts house (did I mention her aunts are only five years old?) Gommy had to LOL when she saw a picture posted with little Kyra all donned up with a tiara, beads and a bracelet. She did look every part the Princess....That is what goes on when your aunts are only little ones too! Grandpa Mike was all smiles when he saw the picture......wish we lived a little closer to her and her mommy and daddy.
That brings us up to today.....Sunday. Gommy is once again most grateful for a wonderful week of work, fun, family and good health. Gommy and Grandpa feel we are so very Blessed, and we hope all you bloggers out there have another Blessed week as well.....Maybe Gommy can talk Grandpa into going to the beach again this morning when he gets up.......;)