Ahhhhhhhh, another glorious Sunday. At one time, Gommy used to dread Sundays. There never seemed to be anything to do on Sunday. Wow, has that ever changed now that Gommy is a bit 'longer in the tooth'. Now, there doesn't seem to be enough time in the weeks or months, never mind just a Sunday to be idle.
Today will be a beautiful day on the beach and then work tonight. Yesterday was the first day in ten days that Gommy didn't have to go into her job and it took all of the day and most of the night to get the new apartment in some sort of order. There were pictures to be hung, 'stuff' that had to find a new place in the new place, sorting out of the 'stuff', pitching out some more of the 'stuff' to make room for the 'stuff' we did keep.....you get the picture. But it is finally looking like a home now and we (that would be Grandpa and Gommy) LOVE it at our new home. The universe even helped by making it a rainy day that didn't allow Gommy to feel as if she was missing out going to the beach.
New beginnings are usually quite exciting and wonderful. This move was one of those wonderful and exciting events for Gommy and Grandpa. We feel as if we are finally 'home' now. I told our apartment manager (Susie) that the complex reminds me of the TV show that was on in the 80's called "Melrose Place." Our two-story complex has 6 or 7 units with a pool right in the center just like Melrose Place had. I used to watch that show 'religiously'. Susie laughed when I told her that and her response was, "It reminds me of Hellrose Place". I'm sure that is because she has to manage the place and all the characters that rent here who come and go and have come and gone throughout the years. You have to be a sort of 'police' about the noise people make, parking spots, visitors, swimming pools hours, etc. When you 'police' anything or anyone, you can come across some icky (that is a technical term for unpleasant) situations when you have to tell someone they are doing something that isn't allowed. You have to be a special type of person that can get along with all sorts of 'characters' when you are in charge of units that people make their home and usually feel they can do anything they want just because it is 'home' even though it is technically owned by someone else. Gommy and Grandpa don't have a problem with rules. We are from a generation from a long time ago in a far away place..........oh, that is a movie....but we do go way back to a time when you followed the rules and stayed inside the lines.
Oh, I forgot to mention that Susie had a welcome dinner for Grandpa and me that was the bomb-diggity best pot roast dinner and twice baked potatoes with broccoli and salad that Gommy has had in ages.....Thank you Susie ((*.*))
So today will be another day to be grateful. Grateful for a loving, caring and special hubby to spend the day with and go to the beach with and have to talk to about everything in our lives or maybe just nothing at all. Just sitting on the beach and being grateful for each other.
Gommy found that one of the best parts about this move is that it made Gommy go through her 'stuff'. A lot of the 'stuff' is pictures Now, I don't mean a few pictures.....I'm talking gobs, zillions, volumes and albums and albums of pictures. Gommy had many good cries and many good laughs and many reminders of what a good life Gommy has had while she was going through the tomes of pictures. Some times people forget where they came from and cast people aside when they aren't convenient to their life any longer or they don't fit into their lifestyle anymore, but when Gommy looked at some of the vacations, her own growing up years, the growing up years of her children, the many get-togethers with friends and family and on and on, it made me realize just how good Gommy did have it all of my life....so far. Gommy hopes she had a part in making some good memories for some, if not all, of the people who crossed her life. That is what it is all about isn't it? Leaving this world a better place than it was when you entered it.
Oh, about the boys (our heroes) that came to our rescue and helped us move...........Grandpa did make arrangements for them to play a complimentary round of golf in the morning and then took them to the Miami Dolphin training camp and they sat in the V.I.P area and enjoyed free food and drink and got to meet several celebrity football players and then they came down to where Gommy works and had a free dinner at a beautiful restaurant right on the beach. The free dinner at the beach was because after they moved us in our apartment last week, Grandpa brought them to Gommys' work and treated them to the best milkshakes on the planet and when they were going back to their car, a poor waitress from the above mentioned restaurant, was in a fix because she found that she had a flat tire. Now, as you can imagine, changing a tire in the humid (er....hot) Florida evening after having moved an entire household of furniture and the belongings of some pretty new acquaintances, is probably the very last thing they wanted to do...........but remember now, these are heroes. They did indeed change the tire and the waitress told them to come in Friday and she would treat them to dinner.........See, Gommy told you all about good Karma......It does happen and it does work. When you can find your way to doing something nice for someone and really want to do it, not do it just because you feel that you HAVE to do it as a some sort of 'duty', good things come back to you.
Gommy hopes all you bloggers out there have someone or something to feel grateful for today. Bless your hearts.....think now....there are plenty of things out there to feel grateful about.......just start thinking and you will come up with bunches.....I promise! Have a glorious week now boys and girls.....Hugs & Mush, Love Gommy ((*.*))