Spring has Sprung Peeps. This made Gommy start wondering about New Beginnings. Like why does the world seem to be spiraling downhill, into a pit of unhappiness? Why do so many peeps seem to feel sad and unhappy with their lives? Could it be that the common denominator is that no one seems to care anymore? Not even God? That our prayers are not being heard or answered? Or if you do say you have Faith….you don’t believe you are receiving what you are asking for…….as in the Scripture, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”?
IMHO, the part that is always missed in that Scripture is that you must 'seek' to 'receive'…..and that you must knock (and keep on knocking), until you receive the answer you are seeking. And maybe the most important part is that your must 'believe you will receive'. As the great Wayne Dyer says, "You must believe it to see it." Not the other way around.....saying that seeing is believing. But the tricky part is that we are our own worst enemies and we should be knocking on our own 'doors'.....metaphorically speaking. We ask and we ask…..and when we don’t receive….we just think we aren’t being heard, or we aren’t worthy of the thing we are asking for. But I think the real reason we don’t receive….is that we have placed a roadblock in front of the very thing we ‘say’ we are wanting. And I think the Scripture means that the seeking is to begin ‘within’, which is another good Scripture that is often overlooked. What do you really want? You have the answers inside….and sometimes you just don’t want to admit them. And you may even just feel like saying 'WHATEVER!'. But how is that working out for ya' peeps?
For example: You may ‘say’ you want a better job….or a better marriage….or more money to spend. But, somewhere inside your thinking, you are really thinking, “BUT…..work is hard to find, so I better just stay with this horrible job”. Or, "BUT……it’s no use to think this marriage will get any better because I have tried everything I know and we are just stuck in limbo”. Or, "BUT….I guess it was just meant that I would always have to live paycheck to paycheck”. Do you see the roadblocks? As soon as you ‘Asked’…..you cancelled the request by your BUTS!!!! How can your prayers be answered if you aren’t even sure what you truly want or that they will even be answered? So, get off your Buts AND your Butts and start thinking differently.
Now, this is not as easy peasy as just saying what you want…. or else everyone would be happy wouldn’t they? It is a process where you lay down the things that make you most unhappy and look for the things that make you most happy. Like…..in the marriage thingy…..do you HAVE to be right all the time…..or do you want to be happy? Now some peeps will think that if they don’t argue to the last detail on an issue and have the last word….that they lost. Really? Is it losing to be happy? Do we really want to throw the baby out with the bathwater? So, maybe the thing to do is to take little steps with this one. Don’t try to have your way allllll the time. Marriage is a relationship and the last time I looked….the definition of relationship mentioned ‘relating’ to the other person. If we are so steadfast in being right about every stinking little issue…..then we aren’t really considering the other person’s feelings about the issues that keep coming up for us.
Or in the case of the better job. It just seems easier to gripe and complain about your job than to look for another one that might make you happier. Just remember the saying about complaining, “Complaining is like a rocking chair….it gives you something to do, but it gets you nowhere.” Maybe we are just comfortable in our job, even though we don’t love it, and are afraid to change positions because we just don’t know what the new job will be like. Could be!
And about the money thing; the more you say you are broke….the more that statement will be true. I believe that thoughts become things and if we believe something enough and say it enough….we become our own prophets. So STOP bringing to you what you don’t want in your life. And if you can’t or won't do that….at least stop whining about it.
Don’t believe me yet? How about in the Bible, where in James 1:6-8, it is saying that we should always pray positively and not doubtingly. We should expect a response…but sometimes we just don’t understand the response we are receiving. But to make sure we are at least making an attempt to be 'heard'….we must truly believe that we WILL ‘receive’. But If we pray in a doubting or uncertain way, we become as another part of this scripture of James' , ‘we will be like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.' And that makes me think of another quote that I love; "Pray to God, but keep rowing towards the shore."
So my peeps, let’s start this new Season of Spring, (which means New Beginnings), by changing some of our old habits that aren’t doing us any good anyway? Think about what you want and then think of ways that you may be hampering those things. Then try to tweak the way you have been going about your life and change the things that haven’t been working out so well. It really is ‘within’ because we are the ones making the choices each and every day. I choose to look for the things that make me happiest….and leave the junk behind. I choose to not argue about stuff that really doesn’t amount to a hill of beans to me. I choose to love myself and others and leave those behind who can't love me back. Like another favorite quote of mine....."Don't try to win over the haters. You aren't the Jackass Whisperer!". And I choose to believe that I will receive what I ask for and remove any roadblocks I may have in my way. Couldn’t hurt right? You can do it too…..Gommy is pulling for you! Happy Easter everyone! Hugs & Mush~Gommy