She went on to say that remembering how it felt to be poor, made her appreciative of what she has now. She still thinks the choices she is able (and actually expected) to make at times are a bit too grandiose and feels a little guilty for those pleasures. She is a remarkable woman and very wise in that she does not regret anything in her past and realizes that we are a combination of all we have experienced.
There is a story about how we often forget how things used to be and how we can change when our circumstances change. It is a very eye-opening (pardon the pun) story and one that needs to be read. If you will indulge me, I will post it now, along with an after-thought from the author as well:
The Story of a Blind Girl
There was a blind girl who hated herself just because she was blind. She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. She said that if she could only see the world, she would marry her boyfriend. One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her and then she could see everything, including her boyfriend. Her boyfriend asked her, “Now that you can see the world, will you marry me?” The girl was shocked when she saw that her boyfriend was blind too, and refused to marry him. Her boyfriend walked away in tears, and later wrote a letter to her saying. “Just take care of my eyes dear.”
This is how the human brain can change, when the status quo changes for us. Only few remember what life was before, and who’s always been there, even in the most painful situations.
Life is A Gift
"Today before you think of saying an unkind word – Think of someone who can’t speak.
Before you complain about the taste of your food – Think of someone who has nothing to eat.
Before you complain about your husband or wife – Think of someone who’s crying out for a companion.
Today, before you complain about life – Think of someone who went too early, before being able to enjoy their life.
Before you complain about your children – Think of someone who desires children but they are barren.
Before you argue about your dirty house… someone didn’t clean up or sweep – Think of the people who are living in the streets.
Before whining about the distance you drive – Think of someone who walks the same distance on foot.
And when you are tired and complain about your job – Think of the unemployed, the disabled and those who wished they had a job.
But before you think of pointing the finger or condemning another – Remember that not one of us are without sin and we all answer to one maker alone.
And when depressing thoughts seem to get you down – Put a smile on your face and be grateful you’re alive and still around! Life is a gift – Live it… Enjoy it…Celebrate it…And Fulfill it. "
Pretty amazing short story and author's response afterward, isn't it? But that is precisely how some people are. When they gain a huge windfall...they become pompous and feel they are better than others. It has been documented over and over how people who win the lottery end up being broke in a very short time. They feel they have won the their luck is going to stay 'good' from then on. NOT!
There is another saying that you had better be nice to those on the way up because you may be seeing them again on the way down. The reality is that we are the same people whether we have money or have not, are homely or beautiful, are successful or having hard times.....etc. We are all in this together and if we cannot be kind to everyone...the flip side of behaving that way may and probably will, come back in our face at another time.
So, Gommy's moral for today is to remember those that have been with you through thick and thin and be grateful for having them in your life. That includes God. We don't give God the thanks He deserves often enough either! We could also be more helpful or friendly to someone else too. Be the friend to others that you wish you had in your life. Be the kind word to a stranger because you never know what is going on in their life and they may just need someone to be nice to them on that particular day. If you are having a bad day yourself, think how you would want someone to relate to you. You can do it boys and girls. Gommy is pulling for ya'......Hugs & Mush, Goms