Friday, July 23, 2010

Hold em' or Fold em'?

Hello again boys and girls. It's raining in Gommy's part of the world today. Don't you just love how the rain seems to wash everything clean and makes it all smell so fresh again? Or how about taking a nice long nap while it is pouring outside and you are all snuggly in your comfy warm bed, and maybe the windows are open so you can hear the rain falling down and maybe your curtains are gently moving with the breeze coming in. Ahhhhh... it doesn't get much better than does it? Except, maybe you had a tin roof on your home hmmmmmmmmm.....Gommy has slept in a house with a tin roof before and those yummy naps are just about the best naps you could ever have.

But today, Gommy wants to talk about knowing when it is right to hold em' or to fold em'. Meaning, when is it the right time to look for another way of making things work out for whatever is on your 'life plate' at this time. A motivational speaker named Bob Proctor told a story about a fly that was trying to fly 'through' a plate glass window one day. It kept trying and trying and finally, it just fell dead onto the window sill. It just wouldn't give up the notion that it could 'do it' if it tried hard enough and long enough. The funny thing though, is that there was an open door only about ten feet away. If the silly fly had just looked around and noticed that there was an easier route it could have might still be alive to try another way.

This by no means is meant to imply that we should always look for the easier way around something. It is just meant to show that if we have really given it our 'all' and it seems as if we aren't making much headway on a particular issue at hand....maybe there is another route we can take after all. Gommy read a wonderful quote once that said, "Courage doesn't always roar, sometimes it's a small voice saying I will try again tomorrow." Now Gommys wants to add that maybe it could mean we could try something different and not as difficult to solve the 'whatever' crisis is in your world at that moment.

Sometimes we may feel as if we are constantly butting our 'heads' up against the 'plate-glass window' of life i.e. issues or arguments or work problems or disagreements with loved ones. But it just might be possible to look for ways to get around the angst these problems are posing for us. Say we don't get along with a certain co-worker....we can try as much as possible to avoid interaction with that person. If it is an argument that you just can't seem to come to agreement about with a family member or friend.....agree to disagree. We don't always have to think the same way another person does. Gommy has always said that, "If you never disagree.....only one person is doing the thinking." Compromise is a way to settle some things. But you can't be the one to be expected to do the compromising all the time either. Take turns.....Gommys always says ;-]

But back to the fly and the glass. We sometimes try to make mountains out of molehills (hmmmmm, Gommy seems to keep using innocent creatures in her metaphors today)......but the fact remains that if we continue to blindly push and push and push at an issue and/or argument, etc., we don't allow ourselves the opportunity to find another way to find our success. In essence, we are shooting ourselves in our own foot. There might be a much easier way around....without 'killing' yourself like the poor fly did!

So, have a great day folks. Take another look if something has you stumped at the moment and just rethink it. And if it happens to be raining in your corner of the world.....have a great nap! Everything always looks better after you sleep on it! Hugs and Mush, Gommy

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