Gommy sang that song along with the radio a zillion and one times as a young girl. But it wasn't until some age attached itself to this old 'till' did it make any sense. Goms thinks the words mean that what we all ultimately really want out of our life is to be loved.
Now we can feel that we are loved if we are accepted by people we care about. Or that we are respected for the life choices we have made or the successes we have accomplished. But that can also cause envy for some and we don't want that, do we? Or it can come in the form of the good feeling that comes from being with people who actually enjoy your company and who invite you to functions because they really want you there and it isn't because they feel it is a duty or it is socially expected. That good feeling we get when we can feel that someone truly enjoys being with us is so wonderful that we just can't get enough of being with that person or people.
Goms wonders why some people seem to 'get' or 'click' with other people and think they are just the best thing since sliced bread and others don't have the same reaction to the very same person. They can think this person is amazing, awesome, funny, great to spend time with......and other people don't see those same things at all in the very same person. Could it be that the old saying; "birds of a feather, flock together", means that the more you are like a person, the more fun it is to be around them? But then Goms has seen examples of people who are not like each other at all, and they seem to get along famously. Go figure!
Maybe jealousy comes into the process and that jealousy may be that we wish we were more like a certain person and that makes us not want to be around that person because we feel we don't measure up. Have you ever been around a person who you feel disapproves of you? You don't want to be around that person very much, do you? It is much more pleasant to be with people who like you and like your personality and your interests.
Or how about the person who has to control every single aspect of your relationship? That is a real drag. They never seem to see that they are expecting you to do what they want you to do, and all the while they never seem to want to do what you may wish to do. That sort of relationship never feels very good and doesn't get very far...for very understandable reasons!
But back to needing love. In the grand scheme of things, we all just need to feel appreciated. And being loved comes about as close to filling that need as any other emotion, bauble, food, drink, accomplishment or relationship with anything else that we may try to fill up on.
The thing to remember is, and here is the rub, you have to allow yourself to be loved. If you are an arms-length type of person....guess what.....you will have arms-length relationships. You have to take the chance of being hurt and being wrong and being unloved and just try to BE lovable. It really is the truth that 'whatever' you put out there is what you get back in return. It's just that easy folks......There's no argument that you can make to disagree. If you are cold....cold is what will come back to you. If you are selfish....people will show selfishness back to you. If you are spiteful.....well, you get the picture now don't you? Goms keeps harping on the same train of thought...KARMA IS A CHARMA. Reap and sow, reap and sow, reap and sow.........Can't get any clearer or simpler than that peeps.
Another way to look at love and being loved and needing love is that if we love, there is no room for the other nasty or undesirable emotions to come into play. You can't have two opposite emotions at work at the same time. You can't laugh AND cry at the same time, you can't be happy AND mad at the same time, and you can't love AND hate at the same time either. So maybe that is what the song meant.
So, if you want love in your life.....love others. If you want compassion...show compassion. If you want people to feel close to you.....quit being so hard to get close to. Think before you say things that will hurt people. Gommy has had a few life lessons with that one. But as long as we learn from our faux pas......it is not a lesson that was for nothing. And Goms really believes that we are given life lessons all the time. We just don't always 'pass' the lesson and graduate onto the next lesson. So, we keep making the same stupid mistake, over and over and over.......DUH!!!
Also, don't be so quick to strike out at people for doing something that you have done yourself. You know, the old 'Forest for the trees' scenario? Even the Bible says that whatever you want from others, you must give of it yourself....Remember the part about..."Do unto others".... ?
So, this week, try to think of how you are coming across to other people. You may find that if you look inward, you may just see that you can understand why other people find you to be a certain way. Edkhart Tolle says that if you take care of your 'inside you' your outside you and your world around you will take care of itself. Gommy thinks he just may have something there......Have a great week boys and girls. And practice being the way you want others to be to you. It was another very wise man, Gandhi, who said, "Be the change you want to see in the world." I think he was onto something too but nobody was listening. It's not too late though......it's never to late to change, if you need to, so you can feel the love that we all really want in our lives. Good luck and hugs and mush... Gommy