Saturday, July 18, 2009

Be Careful What You Wish For...

Have you ever thought about a red car and then everywhere you look there seems to be a red car? Or have you thought about someone and then bang.....they call you on the phone or email you, seemingly out of the blue? That is when you say, "I was just thinking about you!" That is how thoughts manifest into reality. It is just the way it is. You can argue about it, but that won't change the facts. That is just the way things work. Thoughts, like everything else in the Universe, are vibrations and when they match up with a vibration that is like the thought you are thinking, it comes into being.

Gommy was thinking about why everything happens and how we all came about. It makes sense that we must all be connected because we are all experiencing this marvelous ride called 'life'. That is why the 'be careful what you wish for' advice is something to pay attention to.

Have you ever wondered why the 'rich get richer and the poor get poorer'? It is because the rich 'think' and expect to be rich and the poor are always talking about their lot in life and how hard it is to get from paycheck to paycheck. The rich expect to have all the money they need to live the life of luxury. Their mindset is of the vibrational frequency of bringing more money and wealth to themselves. The people who don't have money are bringing their own poor vibrations to them with every sad story or complaint about living without, that they are telling others and themselves all the time.

The person we listen to more than anyone else on a day to day basis is US...We have that talking going on in our heads almost non-stop and probably ninety percent of it is negative thoughts or needless thoughts about worrying about something. That very worrying is bringing more bad stuff your way. You have to change your dial or frequency if you want to change your reality.

You can tell someone that they are bringing their own misery to themselves and they will argue with you. They say that is ridiculous because who would WANT misery in their life? They may not want it but the more you push against something or bring your full attention to something, be it good or bad, that is what multiplies and manifests.

It is hard to re-program ourselves from years of behaving the way we have. But it is certainly worth trying so you can have the joyful life you were meant to have. If you already have the life you want and all your dreams have come true.....quit reading this and go about living your glorious life. God Bless......If, on the other hand, you are still beating the drum of a life full of woes.....quit complaining and start thinking about pleasant things. Things that make you smile. When you feel good and happy, you are bringing more of that vibrational frequency to yourself.

It is really that simple. The hard part is not letting any negative thoughts creep in. If they do, you have to immediately squelch them and think positive thoughts as soon as you can. Plan ahead...... Think of a nice time you had on a vacation, or a childhood memory, or a memory of a romance that was wonderful, a precious time you had with your children, a time you enjoyed with a parent that is no longer alive. Then whenever a negative thought tries to creep in.....BAM switch to the pre-planned memory that you have stored and is ready for use. It really works. Remember you are doing this for a special person.......YOU. Give it a try.....what do you have to lose???????? A few rotten negative thoughts. DUH!!!!! Ciao Babies....Hugs and Mush, Gommy