Sunday, December 13, 2009

Gommy's Sunday School

Hello boys and is Sunday once again and Goms seems to seek more spiritual subjects to blog about on any given Sunday. Today, Goms was thinking about the phrase, "God won't give us more than we can handle." But, Goms sees plenty of people, on a day-to-day basis, who seem to be experiencing more than they can handle. There are the alcoholic or drug dependent people who have exhausted all of their 'choices' and are homeless, or the single mother trying to keep all the balls up in the air for her children, or the cancer patient who is in constant pain, the couples who have divorced and are only thinking of their revenge and not how it is affecting their children......there are many more that could come to mind, but Goms thinks these will suffice as examples of people who are given more than they can handle.

Then there is the other phrase, for the more materialistic religious people....."God helps those who help themselves." Does this mean God is only rooting for the affluent? Goms thinks not. Those of us with children know that if one of our children is doing great and another is struggling....we love them both the same and we aren't rooting only for the one that is doing well and ignoring the struggling one.

So, this brings Gom to thinking that we really still must not 'get' it when it comes to what God does and doesn't do with all of His children. God loves all of his, white, tall, short, skinny, fat, Christian, Muslim, Jew, Buddhist, rich, poor......and on and on. As to the what we have or have not accomplished in or with or own particular lives....we should leave God out of the equation. We must realize that we are all PERSONALLY responsible for the choices we have made. God allows us to live our lives as we see fit. Remember......'free will'?

The reason some of us can't 'see' God is that we think of Him as being invisible. We should, instead, SEE God in everything all around us. He is in every flower, every blade of grass, every child, baby, rainbow, raindrop......all we have to do is look with our hearts if we really want to 'see' God. He is everywhere......

So, we should begin to solve the mystery of life by examining our lives without the preconceived ideas we have gathered thus far. Look all around you for the Blessings you have been given. Life comes at and to us from all angles and the way we respond and react is what the final outcome of our lives will be. It is what YOU make it. Find your Dharma (passion for what you enjoy) grateful for your many gifts, take the time to notice all the beauty all around you every day, savor the times you spend with your family while you still have them with you......

If you ask the right questions about what makes you will unfold the way it is intended. A great guru once said that if you cannot see God, begin to intensely admire all that He has given you with His creations and He will come out of hiding to meet you. Have a great week everyone......Hugs, Gommy

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