Wednesday, December 16, 2009

And what do you want little boy or girl????

Gommy has been hearing people asking "What do you want for Christmas?" quite often lately. That got Goms to thinking how wonderful would it be if we could get (manifest) anything we wanted...anytime we wanted? Pretty darn nice Goms thinks.

But, guess what? You can get anything you want anytime you want. It is called memories. What most people are really just 'wanting' is peace of mind, world peace and a peaceful existence when you get right down to it. And if you want to experience that 'peace' in your own existence, all you have to do is close your eyes and feel God. Remember how it felt to sit by a body of water with your dog and just enjoy your surroundings or watching the sunrise or sunset....or remember lying on the ground when you were young and gazing up at the stars in the sky? Or have you ever been in a small boat on a lake and just completely relaxed while feeling nature all around you? That was God.

If you concentrate, you can even remember smells. Like the smell of rain and wet grass.... or the laundry that was dried outside on a clothesline (that memory may just be for us of the older generation and it was great!)......or the smell of the first day of school each year with the aroma of paste, paper and chalk dust. Or watching the snow fall as it makes fluffy blankets on the ground and the smell of the crispness in the air. Or the aroma of fresh baked cookies your mother just made as you come home from school? Remember playing in the puddles after a storm and not worrying about getting wet?! For real warm and fuzzy feelings, remember the first time you held your newborn baby and the overwhelming emotion that came over you as you realized what a miracle just happened. That was God.

If you want to experience pure joy in the present, just watch your grandchildren as they are amazed by learning something new. Allow the juice of a ripe peach or tomato to run down your chin while you savor each bite. Watch the logs on a fire do a dance for you as they flicker on the hearth. Look at your spouse and be grateful they are with you each day to share your life with you. Sit on the sand and watch the ocean waves somehow stop just short of you. Be thankful for the knowledge that all you have to do to find God is to look for Him in all of these things.

So, little boy or little girl....or big boy and big CAN have what you want. Just think about it.....Treasure and remember the memories of your past and look forward to making new ones in your future but most of all......enjoy the present moment.....Goms heard someone say recently...."The present moment is the only moment that never ends." God Bless......Hugs and Mush, Gommy

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