Gommy took my baby grandson Brandon for a walk to the beach today and while we were watching the birds and the waves coming in, Gommy started wondering what Brandon was thinking. He was raising his hand in the air and then he would clap as if he had done something grand or he had been reaching for something in the sky. Goms thinks he was thanking God for the beautiful day and the gorgeous ocean that was 'waving' at him. Gommy wants to say a great big thank you too God......
That also got Goms to thinking about how we were all so pure and innocent when we were at that young age and how we become so affected by everything that happens to us that we sometimes end up tarnished and unhappy by our circumstances. It is a shame we can't 'regress' back to that innocence. By trying to 'progress' our lives along the paths we think we want, we sometimes get mired in the 'getting' process. The truth of the matter is that it is the simpler times and simpler pleasures that make us the most happy.
Someone recently sent Goms an email that instructed you to close your eyes and remember an earlier time in our lives. The background music was a nice tune from the 50's. As Goms read all the things that my generation was fortunate enough to experience, I felt kinda sorry for all the generations that followed that will never get to live in a simpler time. When we were kids, we could play outside without worrying about someone abducting us....we played with our friends out of doors with things we made up with our imaginations. We didn't have computers, cell phones, 500 channels on TV......but we were happy. We stayed outside and played until our mothers yelled for us to come in and eat and get ready for bed.
We were respectful of our teachers and other elders too. Goms thinks you have to be taught to respect other people or you can't ever respect yourself. It is just a gentler way to act with one another...... to be polite and not so darn rude..... Happiness begets happiness and meanness begets meanness....
So, for now, all is right with the world and with God. Just taking a walk to the beach with my grandson is all the excitement Goms needs to feel fulfilled in this very complicated world we live in these days. No movie theaters, no bounce houses, no video games.....just a simple walk to the beach with a very smart, innocent, beautiful little boy was the most refreshing and exciting thing anyone could ever want to do in a day.....Thank you God.