Happy Sunday boys and girls. Spring is getting ready to spring in many places and it is surely going to be welcomed. We have had a marvelous year so far in my neck of the woods....but Winter has been pretty brutal to many of my favorite peeps. Sorry Peeps. But it won't be long now! That's what my Grandma Maudie used to say, and she would always follow it with...'That's what the monkey said when the rocker cut off his tail.' That Grandma Maudie sure had a wit about her!
Today, I would like to talk about how we all write our own saga, drama, comedy, or whatever it is we are writing our own lives to be. Gommy hears many people telling their same, sad story over and over and wonders if the person is so invested in that story and identifies with it.....that they just keep telling it. Sad stories may be good to watch at the movies....because they make you cry....that good kind of crying that is cleansing and releases stuff in us that we didn't know needed to come out. But, to have the sad story BE about us....not so much. So, the only thing Goms can come up with is that the sad story person (SSP) just identifies very strongly with the star of their story....THEM. They must be getting something out of it....or why would they continue to keep retelling it?
Then you have the sick person (SP). We're not talking about the cancer patient, or the child who is always in and out of the hospital with a serious disease, or the other terrible diseases that surely do keep a person feeling sick. We're talking about the person who has to tell you their every ailment. Whether it is their arthritis, their colon problems, every ache and pain they have.....or heaven forbid, even when they did or didn't have their last bowel movement. That last group really needs to get moving (no pun intended...or was it?). There are more things in the world to focus on people than when you last went to the bathroom. You may think we are wanting to know....but here's a flash bulletin for you....we don't want to share that info with you. It really is TMI. Try to get another topic to identify with....pleeeeease! You'll find that people will stop making skid marks (uhhh, still no pun intended ?) when they see you coming.
And we all know the 'poor me' folks (PMF). They are the ones who are always jealous of everyone else who couldn't possibly deserve what they have made of their lives. The 'poor me' folks are always blaming everyone else for their difficulties and lot in life. But you know what PMF (poor me folks)? The only constant in your story you are telling all the time... is YOU. Don't you see? There is an expiration date on blaming everyone....or anyone for that matter....for what you have or do not have. Take a minute to go look in the mirror and you will see that you and only you have the ability to change your life. If you don't like how things are going for you....maybe you need to change YOU and stop blaming others for your life. Sorry to be so Mrs. Obvious here....but 'them' are the facts my peeps.
Just the other day, a Facebook friend and I were 'talking' about some of Gommy's own life experiences. I don't know if everyone knows it or not, but Gommys' first husband was killed in a car accident when he was only 34. We had three children who were 8, 10 and 11 at the time. Gommy has to admit that there were times that the PMF thought came up. But, as time went on....the realization came to me that I was being pretty selfish in feeling that way. After all, I was still alive and would be able to see my children every day and watch them grow. So, it wasn't me who was the poor one...it was my husband, who was taken too early and wouldn't have the joyful experience of sharing our children as they grew up. Then 9 years later....two of my three children were also killed in another car accident. Again, it would be easy to become a PMF person and I would probably be given a pass if I stayed feeling sorry for myself. But, I thought that even though I would miss them terribly and achingly every day of the rest of my life, I had to realize that THEY were the ones who would be missing so many wonderful experiences. So, after much soul searching ( and might I add that it was MUCH, MUCH soul searching), Gommy has come to realize that I can 'cry because they died....or smile because they were in my life for a wonderful 17 and 22 years.' Gommy picked the latter thought. The reason I am sharing this with you, is to show that we do have choices in how we react to our life circumstances. Of course I would rather no one that I loved had to die. But can I do anything about that? No I can't. The only thing I CAN do is reframe how I react when I think of them. I choose to remember the wonderful times we shared and be grateful for those times. I can relive them any time I want....and I do....I do very often.
* Insert SMILE here*.
Then there are the saps of the world. These people just can't seem to say no (CSN). We have all probably been there a time or two ourselves. We are saps when we get hoodwinked by the people who would even take advantage of their own mothers....and probably have on occasion. Saps are always helping, always giving in, always making other people more important than themselves. And they never look up to realize they are on a one-way street. They don't see that the favors aren't being returned. They are just being used. So, wake up saps. Life is a two-way street. It is fine to do things for people and to give in sometimes to an argument and to be taken advantage of occasionally (because sometimes you just want to do it because you want to do it)....but if you don't like being a sap.....'NO' is a word you should try using once in a while. Go to a mirror right now...and ask the PMF to move over a second.....and practice saying 'NO'. At first it will seem foreign...but once you get the hang of it....you will be able to use the word 'NO' with ease. But don't go overboard. Sometimes you may actually want to help someone....and you've gotten into the habit of saying no so much that you forget to say yes when that is what you really meant. LOL!
And of course, we all know the 'Know It Alls' (KIA). They think they have the market on knowing what is best for everyone else in the world. They push their politics, religion, career choices, child rearing skills, and any other subject you can think of on you....presumably for your own good because you can't possibly know as much as they do. These people have gotten the wrong impression that they are the 'Gurus Of All Things Possible'. You can't tell them anything, because they already know it. Gommy's advice in dealing with these peeps is to just nod occasionally when their lips are moving.....but be thinking of something pleasant while you are enduring their presence....and you can excuse yourself from their space when you notice their lips stop moving. And sometimes....they are Sooooo self absorbed.....that they may not even notice you have left...even when their lips are still moving...because they just like to hear themselves talk anyway. You can tell if you can make your get-away if you notice that glazing over of their eyes...that is the hint they they are so into their own rhetoric that you will be long gone before they even notice. LOL.
Sometimes you have a cross-breeding (or pollination) of the KIA's and the EP people of the world. They are known as the KIA-EP's. These types are the Entitled People who KIA. You will find that they are really PIA's (YUP...your are way ahead of Gommy here... they are real pain in the asses). They think the world owes them a living and they 'know it all'...so they must be right about their assumptions. Steer clear of these peeps. Gommy is doing you a real favor by letting you in on this little hint. LOL! And ummmmm, you're welcome.
I'm sure we have all come across the 'my religion is better than your religion people' (MRIBTYR). Boy, that's a mouthful. And believe Gommy when I tell you that these peeps are rabid and dangerous, I mean it. So...fair warning here. Don't get tangled up with them when they are just coming out of church either....after they have been listening to the preacher tell them that their brand of God is the only one there is. They believe so strongly that their religion is the ONLY religion in the world, that you, if you don't belong to their club....are going straight to Hell! And the reason they know this is that their God....said you are. You know, their...'all loving, all forgiving, all knowing God'. Yeah, that one. The one who apparently told them that even though God is forgiving...He has a few exceptions to His rules (even though He doesn't make mistakes so there would be no reason for any exceptions to His rules.....DUH). Like, you must believe and accept His one and ONLY son to have life ever lasting. Hey, I resent that.....I thought we were all His children. Oh well, maybe I missed that part of His memo. But, I'm personally going to live on the assumption that God/Universe/The One/Being is the Omnipotent, Omniscient, really and truly loving and forgiving God/Universe/The One/Being, that would love me no matter what.... and that He doesn't have an ego so anything I could possibly say or do will not offend Him. Annnnnnd that He loves all of us (and I am pretty sure of this one). It's just a feeling I have in my heart and my gut. Kinda like we love our own children....no matter what. Yeah..like that. And for those good religious peeps who want to get mad at Gommy for my own opinions and observations....GOTCHA'..... you forgot what the Bible says about judging me! You can't go there.
Then.....finally....there are the peeps who just mind their own business, live and let live, enjoy life, appreciate what they have, savor the special people and times in their life.........NO REALLY.... those types of peeps really do exist. You just don't meet up with them often enough. They are the HP (Happy People).....and they are unfortunately, few and far between. When you do meet up with them....you will notice that they aren't talking about anyone else in a mean manner, they have a peaceful aura around them, other people enjoy being around them and they don't complain or gripe about everything and they don't try to run anyone else's business. That is why you hardly run across them....the other type of peeps take up so much room....that the pleasant peeps just go about their happy life unnoticed. And that is quite alright with the HP...and probably the way they prefer it.
So now that Goms has told you about a few personality types, try to see which group you may fall into. Gommy hopes it is the HP group. If it isn't....go back to that mirror and be brutally honest with yourself and ask what you are REALLY getting out of being a SP/SSP/PMF/CSN/KIA or the MRIBTYR personality types. If you are happy with your personality type....blow yourself a kiss in your reflection and get back to whatever you were doing. But if you would rather be a Happy Person....you'll have to unpack that old baggage you have been carrying around for ages and put a smile on your face....look around at the things you have to be grateful for...stop looking for other people to blame for your life...enjoy the simple things in life and quit butting your nose into everyone elses business. You can do it peeps...Gommy is pulling for ya'! Hugs & Mush, Gommy
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