Saturday, August 7, 2010

Mirror, Mirror....on the Wall?

Hey everyone out there in ether-land....Gommy was thinking.....Have you ever wondered how you would feel if suddenly your life was turned upside down? If someone you love was taken from you......or you were sliding down the economic ladder like you were covered in baby oil and you couldn't grab hold to save yourself from the fall.....or your doctor just told you that you had a serious illness? And what if you couldn't keep any of it from happening, even though you could see it if you were stuck on a railroad track with a huge train approaching?

Those thoughts would probably make for a very scary nightmare. But many people face those horrific situations every day. Every day that the rest of us are all going along with our own lives and some of us are griping or complaining over some trivial incident in our life. Some parents are camped out at hospitals, watching in agony while their child is sick, while other parents are complaining about how their own child is disappointing them in some way or another. Somewhere in the world, some husband or wife is arguing about some silly thing (that they will not even remember if you were to ask them next week what they were mad about), while another husband or wife is burying their loved one and wishing they could have even one more day with them.

Gommy isn't saying all this stuff to be morose or to make anyone feel guilty. It's just about realizing that there are so many more things to be happy about if we just look for them. Sure, everyone gets aggravated from time to time, but if you were to ask yourself if it were really worth all the negative energy you are putting into the issue at hand.....Goms bets you wouldn't think it was all that bad after all.

We have to look in the 'mirror' from time to time and ask if maybe we aren't projecting our own crankiness on someone or something during one of these times. We all get tired and we all have times when we have put too much on our 'plates' and we feel overwhelmed...but if we could try to remember that 'this too shall pass'.....we may be able to re-frame our attitudes and dispositions. Maybe the next time your spouse or significant other does something that annoys you.....ask yourself how you would feel if he/she weren't around any longer. Ask yourself if your child is so annoying that you wish you never had them. Or if you are a little tired from over-doing it, think of how you would feel if your were told you had a very serious illness and the next part of your life was going to involve going to doctors offices and having treatments for a very long time.

It's time to be thankful for every day that you don't have to face any of these awful circumstances. We will all have to go through tough times before we leave this life...but while things are going pretty grateful and stop nit-picking about every little nuisance in life. Take a nap....(I don't have time to take a nap)...but maybe you need to take some of that stuff off of your 'plate' and reduce the stresses you have put on yourself. Gommy bets there might even be someone in your circle of life that would love for you to take a nap and feel better....tee, hee. Or stop blaming your small child for being cranky.... rather ask yourself why they are so cranky. Did you let them stay up too long? Did you drag them to the store when it was THEIR nap time? Come on now.....we know how we get cranky when we're tired...don't you think it could be why they may be cranky sometimes? STOP....look in the mirror....could you be part of the blame for what is happening at times when you are so bummed?

If you are honest with will admit that you do bring on some of the 'stuff' that you don't like or want in your life. Want to be happier? BE happier.....Don't think it's that easy? It really IS a choice,(unless you have medical reason for your depression). But the rest of us really can choose to be happy, or at least not dwell all the time on the things you can't change. Unless you can change (really and truly change) what is making you upset or cranky....what is the use of worrying and fretting about it? And if you aren't willing to help a little, by changing the way you react to situations....guess what kiddos? It ain't ever going to change. And when you do try to let go of the stuff you can't is the most marvelous and freeing sensation you will ever allow yourself to enjoy!

So, brighten up, cheer up and straighten up boys and girls. Life is short....shorter than you know. We are only here for the 'blink of an eye'.....use the time wisely. Quit being a grump-bucket. Stop looking for things to complain about. Because if you look for things to be'll always be able to find something. Instead, look around for something to be grateful for. There are much more of those things, and they are so much more pleasant to experience. Trust Gommy..........I know..........I see them all the time. So Mirror, Mirror on the Wall.....who wants to be the happiest of all? You SMILE....CHEER UP.....BE HAPPY!!!Gommy is pulling for you...Hugs & Mush to allllll ((^~^))

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