Hello boys and girls. Today Gommy wants to talk about trying to decide which way is the 'right' way to move forward in life. There are many 'forks' in the proverbial 'road of life' and it can be very gut wrenching when the decision has a time limit on it. Gommy will explain more about the 'gut' part later on......
Gommy has always been a firm believer in the - 'there are 3 sides of every story' angle of things. There is the his/hers or Its' (meaning the choice) and then finally the TRUTH. And the truth can be interpreted as the 'right' way to go. But the 'right' way is different for each of us. Gommy's way may not necessarily work for Susie or Sammy or whomever. There are extenuating circumstances for each and every situation in which we find ourselves.
When we can learn to 'go with the flow'.....another belief Goms has learned to live by....we find it is easier to calm down and think rationally. Gommy once told in an earlier blog, of another time while hostessing a baby shower, that in wanting desperately (maybe too desperately) for everything to go just 'right'.... that a guest at the party referred to Gommy as a 'Shower Nazi'. Ouch....did that hurt.... But you know what? She was right. Gommy was over orchestrating every aspect of the shower to the extent that it was more like a painful 'can't wait to get the heck out of here' experience for the guests. Even though Gommy just wanted to make everything 'perfect'..... from the food to the games to the gifts being opened.....it seemed more like a regimented event to the guests who should have been enjoying themselves. Gommy can look back now and thank that woman (who Goms didn't even know because she was the mommy-to-be's friend). The woman turned out to be one of the 'teachers in life' brought to Gommy to learn a lesson from.
NOW.... Gommy is a 'recovering' worrier, over-achiever, over-organizer, etc. Sometimes it takes a slap in the face (not a real one but an emotional one) or a glass of cold water in the face (again, just pretend) to wake up to how we are acting and how we are being perceived by other people. If that woman hadn't said anything...Gommy would have thought that everyone was having a good time and might not have made the 'correction' (note to self) to LIGHTEN UP GOMS!!!!! If that 'teacher' hadn't brought it to Gommy's attention.....Goms might still be thinking the way to MAKE everyone have a good time is to do it the 'XYZ' way (actually it was Gommy's way) or else everyone wouldn't have fun.....Of course the honoree of the party would never have said anything except thank you for such a nice party and Goms would have smugly thought.....'Mission Accomplished' and oh-boy did I do a great job on that party. NOT!!!
So, the lesson to learn here is that we may have our heads down and plow through life the way we 'feel' it should be lived or..... we can look up every once in a while and BREATHE.....and see that everyone has their own frequency tuned into the way THEY feel they want to live. It isn't any of our business how someone else raises their children, earns a living, listens to their favorite kind of music.....etc. and on and on. But we should take the time to assess how WE are doing along the way.
If there is a 'fork' in your road coming up soon.....think of how you feel about it in your head. Mull it over.....then think about how you feel about it in your heart....it will probably feel stronger when emotion comes into play. THEN....here is the big secret we usually miss.....lastly, think how you feel about it in your GUT. This is the 'gut part' Gommy referred to in the first part of today's blog. Your gut will never lie to you like your head and your heart does. We all have a built in radar....intuition.....or whatever it is that keeps us safe (or tries to at least). It is the feeling we get when we enter our house and think that a light is on that we didn't leave on.....or a looming dread about moving to a different state or a new job, or believing that spouse or lover whose story (you can insert alibi here if appropriate) doesn't jive.We usually listen to our hearts first.....then our heads start reaffirming what we have brought emotion into and can end up making some pretty yucky situations for ourselves to sort through. But if we listen to our guts...our intuition is usually 'right on'.
Gommy suggests that when and if the next decision that comes up in your lives is puzzling you...listen to your gut and if you just can't make up your mind after that......let go of the oars and ask God to take over. I hear He is pretty good at making things work properly. And if we do make a mistake.....guess what? God always allows U-Turns. Have a great week boys and girl. Gommy is pulling for you. ((-.-))
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