Every new Mommy thinks she is the first woman who has ever bore a child. So,the Gommy's of the world just sit back (that is if she knows what's good for her and the Mommy's relationship) and marvels how she raised her own children and somehow she is now considered to know nothing of raising this new grandchild. Or a person who has been in the workplace for forty or fifty years, then all of a sudden is considered un-knowledgeable when the new upstart replaces them at their job. Or the presumption that anyone else cannot possibly know how it feels to lose a loved one, or have an unhappy marriage, or think other peoples' belief systems have been skewed and are totally wrong.
Guess what folks? Every thought you have ever thought, every situation you have ever found yourself in, every disappointment you have ever had, every happiness you have been Blessed with....has been thought, felt and experienced by a myriad of other people throughout time.
Gommy would bet that there are a bunch of Mommy's out there that feel guilty for thinking they would like some time to themselves. Time away from their family. How dare they!!!! But you know a little secret? Goms has been there and done that.....and so have bazillions of other women throughout history (if they are honest). Why??? Because life is very stressful at times and many times, when you are trying to take it one day at a time.....the whole week falls on top of you! There are no manuals to doing it all right, getting it all done, showing you how you are supposed to be a perfect little wife, mom, counselor, taxi-driver, daughter, friend, housemaid, femme fatale' , employee....YIKES....no wonder you want to get away and just focus on YOU!!! So relax moms of the world......you are quite normal. Gommy would actually think you were abnormal if you didn't need a little R&R sometimes. Remember...."Ain't nobody happy if Mama ain't happy!" No truer words were ever spoken. If you don't take care of yourselves....how can you take care of everyone else??? The same goes for Dads....they need their time to enjoy their sports, hobbies, and interests too.
Then on the idea of being downsized (another word for a nasty way to treat people). This seems to be happening quite often lately. It boils down to 'attempting' to get the same thing for a cheaper price. But, the reality is you get what you pay for and as my Grandma used to say, "You just can't get a silk purse out of a sows ear." Meaning, the newbie is just that...full of schooling but lacking in the years and years of experience you have with the person who has worked their way up the ladder and given their loyalty to their position. Eastern cultures have the right idea......they revere and cherish their elderly.....they know that with age comes wisdom. There are no shortcuts. You have to live it to know what the heck you are doing and what not to do to
But now onto the inspired part. Inspiration comes from two words; In and Spirit. If you are in spirit, you will have passion. You will know instinctively what makes sense and what you want to do and how to get there. If you live your life and feel your intentions with passion....you will succeed. The great speaker Wayne Dyer says that, "to attempt to manifest what you want without passion is like dressing up a corpse." Or as my same, smart Grandma used to say, "You're all dressed up with no place to go!" You may be going through the motions but you aren't getting anywhere.
Think of a time in your life when you were inspired. It could have been the first time you fell in love. Every waking moment was spent thinking about the object of your affections. Just the thought of them made you all tingly inside. THAT is inspiration boys and girls. Or maybe you wanted to BE a certain something, i.e. a singer, an artist, an XYZ.....you thought about it, planned for it, envisioned yourself as it......again....you felt inspired boys and girls.
So, how about trying to find something to feel inspired about again. It's never too late.....One of Gommys' favorite sayings is..."It's never too late to live happily ever after." You can start today....don't waste a single day of this wonderful life you have been given. Go to the beach or to the mountains, look at a baby or heck, just look in the mirror....you are pretty inspirational you know. There is no one else just exactly like you. It's worth finding again. Gommy is pulling for you......Hugs & Mush
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