This weekend is Mother's Day. Gommys thinks we should all appreciate our mothers every day and not just one weekend a year! But we'll take a day..... rather than no day at all.
Motherhood is the hardest job in the world and it can also the most rewarding job in the world. Stay at home moms may feel less appreciated than the moms who work outside of the home. It's very hard to be a mom and have to work outside of the home, but try staying home every single day with the kids and see how much fun that is! Yes, we love our children, but when there is no 'me' time, it can get on your nerves once in a while.
It is impossible to be the 'perfect' mom, but when people think you have it made to just stay at home every day, it really is a disservice to the mom who does all she does every single day of every single year until the children are raised. And then what??? When the kids are grown and out of the home, where is this mom supposed to pick up her life without the identity of "MOM"? She is longer 'needed' and it is really hard to just stop 'mothering' after doing it for so many years. The transition from mothering to just 'being mom' is very hard for some moms. That can cause heartache and many arguments between moms and their grown children. It is a wise mom who knows when to stop 'mothering' and when to become just the 'mom'.
The stay at home mom should never be made to feel 'less than' just because she doesn't go off to work. It is true that in today's economy, it is a luxury to be able to stay at home with your children....but it isn't all making cookies and coloring books for the mom who does stay home. The mom who goes out to work, still has lunch with other adults and has time to listen to music (grown-up music, that is) on her way to and from work. She has interesting things to talk with her husband about when he gets home, besides which friend came over for a play date. And the days when things just aren't going as planned, it is up to the stay at home Mom to deal with the children, the service repair man, the broken air conditioning, and anything else that can go wrong that does go wrong on certain days. And then there is the guilt that stay at home moms feel about wanting to get back to the careers they have given up to stay at home. Then, Dad sometimes feels he isn't getting all the attention he feels he deserves. But to be honest, how much is left of mom to be a sexy siren at the end of the day? Poor mom just can't win.
Gommy is by no means dissing the mom who works outside the home. Gommy know this mom doesn't have an easy time of it either . She has to get her family and herself ready each day with breakfast, lunch preparations, clean-up, sports activities and doctor and dentist appointments, her own work schedule, on and on and etc. And heaven forbid one of the kids is sick....what do you do with a sick child when you have career demands? It never seems to fall on Dad. Is Dad ever expected to stay at home at these times? I think this may happen rarely and it certainly doesn't seem to be the norm. Moms in general are heroines and don't nearly get the thanks they deserve.
And isn't it usually the Mom who gets blamed for anything that went wrong in the upbringing of the children? Mom is the one who is stereotyped as the one who makes her grown children need to see a psychiatrist.....For heaven's sake.....she was doing it all and giving her all and she may have made a mistake or two during all those years she was trying to do her best...give her a break.
As to those mothers who are no longer with us. We realize just how much we miss our mothers with every passing year we are without them. We can no longer just pick up the phone to say hello and 'I love you". We can't ask them what that childhood friend's name is that we just aren't able to recall, or that memory about your childhood that is a bit fuzzy and you wish mom could remind you about it. She was the one you could always ask advice from and know she was on your side each and every time. Because your mother is just about the best friend you could ever have or will ever have in your lifetime. She is the one person you can tell anything to and she will still love you......scabs, scars, faults and all....she is the one who has unconditional love for you....NO MATTER WHAT!! Gommy has often said that even mothers of serial killers love them. That is the kind of love you get from your mother.
So Moms out there and Moms not with us any more.....we love you and we appreciate all you did and all you do for us. We may not say it often enough.....but you are our heroine. You should be proud of being "the everything in the world we could ever need" to make our lives run smoother and who made us always feel loved. Thanks for being the taxi driver, the tutor, the nursemaid, the teacher, the cook, the maid, the confidant, and when we got older.....our BEST FRIEND. I love and miss you to my MOM......and to all the other moms out there....Gommy hopes you have a very special and wonderful Mother's Day...Hugs, Gommy
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