Gommy used to think that all the 'mumbo-jumbo' about Karma, Eastern philosophies, auras and the like were just that.....mumbo-jumbo. As Goms gets on in years, it becomes clearer to me that Karma definitely exists and that what we put out there actually does come back to us. There are signs and sayings all through our lives that point to the fact that Karma does exists. Even the Bible says you 'reap what you sow'....and no one thinks that is a bunch of hocus-pocus because it comes from the word of God.
As for our auras.....that is just a funky way of describing that we all have our own distinct 'way we act and react' to different events and/or stimuli in our lives. Maybe the biggest difference between Eastern and Western philosophy is that Eastern philosophy puts a direct correlation between the Universe (God if that makes some feel more comfortable) and human existence. Eastern philosophy teaches that all experiences and phenomena are manifestations of a basic oneness. That all things are interdependent and inseparable from each other.......actually different manifestations of the same reality. That makes sense to Goms because as we age, we see how everything is interconnected and that our thoughts and actions or in-actions actually do affect everything and everyone else sooner or later.
Take lying or mistreating someone. When we lie about someone, we harm that person. Karma dictates that we have to eventually pay for that disservice some day, some way. It usually manifests in that someone will lie about us one day in a way that will harm us so we know what that feels like. Conversely, if we do something good or nice.....that comes back as well. So Goms would suggest that we do less of the harming and more of the niceties. It is like hedging your bets. You don't want to take the chance of having the bad things come your way.
As another example of experiencing what we have or haven't done to someone before; if we don't have compassion for others, how can we expect others to care what happens to us if we are in need of compassion some day? That brings to mind another sage saying....'what goes around comes around'. Makes you wonder why we use these sayings and don't think they actually apply to us personally????? Denial maybe? Guess what friends? What goes around actually does come around.....you just feel it more acutely when it is happening to YOU... Like the saying that is relevent in today's economic scenerio....."If your neighbor loses his home....it is a recession.....if you lose your home...it is a DEPRESSION".
So Gommy is just 'saying'....we are all in the same proverbial 'boat'.....so we better be doing all we can to assure that the 'boat' stays upright for all of us to survive. Being kind and having compassion and thinking about our deeds and actions before we act is a good start on making sure our Karma stays on our good side. Gommy, for one, wants to make sure that what is being put out in the Universe will be welcomed as it makes its' return trip to me. Goms is pulling for you boys and girls. Hugs and Mush......Gommy
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