Yesterday was my husbands' (Grandpa Mike) mother's 85th birthday and we were fortunate enough to get to visit with her in Cocoa Beach with Grandpa Mikes' sister Cathy and her husband Rick. Mary Anne (Grandpas' Mom who the family calls 'Nana') has been feeling poorly lately and it was so good to be able to visit with her and Susan (Grandpa's sister who lives with Nana). We are finally all in the same state and even though we live a distance from each other, it's easier to visit more often now that Grandpa and Gommy have moved back 'home'.
Nana wasn't feeling much like doing or going anywhere for her birthday but we talked her into trying to spend the night in the motel-resort right across the street from where they live. It was a suite of two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a dining room and living room. This made it easier for all of us to be in the same building so we could eat a birthday dinner with Nana and have birthday dessert together. We explained that if Nana didn't feel up to it, we would bring her right back to her home after we ate dinner and celebrated with cheesecake (Nanas' favorite dessert) and coconut cake (Cathys' favorite dessert) instead of birthday cake.
The resort was right on the beach and we sat on the balcony and talked about old times and different memories each of the siblings remembered and just enjoyed the 'full moon', the sounds of the ocean, the sweet salty smell of the wind and watching the resort cats scurry below looking for something to eat...... and just plain enjoying each others company. It seems that most people don't do that anymore. If there isn't a TV on, they don't know how to interact with each other. We talked of Grandaddy Billy and how we missed him since he died. And we swore we could all see his face in the big full moon and felt he was with us, celebrating Nanas' day.
I told Nana that I had been thinking, while we were driving up to see her earlier in the day, that I am now just about the age she was when I first met her. Boy....where does the time go? It makes you appreciate your agility, good health and all around quality of life when you realize how quickly we do age.
We have so many good memories of times spent together for special occasions like birthdays and holidays. But it is never quite the same when your parents are no longer around to celebrate those times with you. They are the glue that holds families together and when they are gone.........the siblings and extended family just seem to drift apart like a boat that has become un-moored from a dock.
Gommy would like to thank Nana and Grandaddy for the many happy memories over the past twenty-five years. We had some really good times and those memories are a treasure. They never missed a birthday, graduation, christening, holiday or any other special occasion, even if their child lived in another state. They made the trek and their being there added to the specialness of the day.
So, here's to Nana (and Grandaddy, wherever you are)......you are loved very much and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for everything you have done for us and all that you are.
Gommy would also like to thank Susan (Grandpa Mikes' sister) for being such a wonderful daughter to Nana and Grandaddy all these years. Susan has always lived with Nana and Grandaddy and she is a remarkable woman. We love you too Susan.....thank you.
Everyone who still has their parents for this upcoming holiday season should say a special thank you that they are blessed with the opportunity to still have their parents with them. May you enjoy your upcoming holidays and recall all the holidays gone by and tell your Mom or Dad how much you appreciate all they did for you. Now that you have a family yourself, you can see what it entails to make everything 'seem' to go seamlessly......Not so easy is it? When we were children and young adults, we took everything our parents did for us for granted and didn't even think of the sacrifices they made for us so that we could have a nice childhood. As we have families and children of our own, we become very aware just how hard it can be to raise a family and we find that we are now the ones doing the sacrificing......So take a minute to think about all you have to be grateful to your parents for and give them a little 'thank-you' some time......They will appreciate it. Gommy loves how my Tracey tells me how much she appreciates me. That is really all we as parents really live for now anyway, isn't it?
Toodle-oooo boys and girls in blogland. See you next time- Hugs, Gommy
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