Hello somebody....anybody....is anyone out there? Gommy went to see Julie/Julia the other day and absolutely loved, loved, loved it....Julie writes a blog too and at one point she asked her computer if anyone was out there reading what she was writing. That got Gommy to wondering that same thing. Oh, Gommy gets a few comments once in a while (I think I even lost one reader who wasn't too happy about something I wrote) but there is no way to know who is really reading what Gommy writes other than a disgruntled reader here and there. You know there is a saying that if someone likes something they either keep it to themselves or tell one other person but if they don't like something they tell EVERYONE!!! I wonder why that is???
But Gommy will continue to blog and for the most part it is purely selfish. Gommy loves writing....It is soooo cathartic. There are times when feelings get all bottled up and it provides an outlet to vent when that happens. Gommy has found that when people do get upset about something you write, it is usually because you have gotten too close to something they aren't comfortable with in themselves. But Gommy isn't trying to hurt anyone and there probably will be occasions in the future that something that is bothering Gommy will spill over onto someone who is reading my blog and they will get defensive. I apologise in advance.....but it has to come out or Gommy may implode herself....:))
I was on Facebook yesterday and I got an IM from a woman that I had gone to Jr. High and High School with. She surprised me by telling me that she had spent the whole day reading all of my blogs and that they had inspired her and she looked forward reading more.....Wow.....that was very nice to hear.
She also told me that many of my blogs really hit home with her. I explained that I thought that we are all more alike than we are unalike...and that when and if we all ever realize that fact...we will be much more comfortable in our own skin. The same things happen to all of us....just at different times in our lives. It is how you react to those things that change or mold your life. If you have had something horrible happen to you, that is no excuse to take it out on someone else. They didn't have anything to do with it! I recently read something that really resonated with Gommy. It was, "Don't cry because it ended. Smile because it happened." That saying means to Gommy that being sad that something ended, left or was taken from you can be turned around to being thankful you had 'it' or 'them' in your life at all.
I have recently been joining in on political debates on Facebook and that is something I never do face to face or in mixed company. It is never a good idea to discuss (in person) religion or politics because people identify so boldly with their beliefs and a heated argument is sure to ensue. The point Gommy is making is that if someone else brings up a subject on a social network and you are asked to respond how you feel......you should be able to answer what your point of view is, even though they are so adamant about their point of view.....Gommy says it is fair game to say what you believe as well. The best part is that there can be no fighting and arguing as is the case in person where it can escalate. So it is much safer than a person to person face-off. I could never be on those programs that have debates about politics....When Gommy gets mad, she gets flustered...all the facts just fly out the window and the argument SEEMS to be won by the other side. Gommy doesn't like that feeling.
But back to blogging and blogs in general. If there are any pent-up, frustrated writers wondering if they could ever be taken seriously in print.....Gommy says she doesn't mind being the "Poster Girl" for taking a chance and becoming a blogger...Hey, Grandma Moses wasn't discovered as an artist until she was in her seventies.....At least Gommy still has some good years left to be discovered.....((*>*)) So Gommy wishes that you all have a blessed day and remember to be grateful for everything you have.
Hey Shirl, Just wanted you to knoe that I am out there (lol) literally haha. No really I do read your blog from time to time and I love to read the things you write about. They are inspiring, touching and make you stop to think about the little things. Great Job Shirley!!!