Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Do as I Say - Not as I Do !

Gommy has been reminded once again how easy it is to GIVE advice and not TAKE advice......even if you are the giver and the taker yourself. A co-worker this past week was very vitriolic and nasty to Gommy and Gommy allowed herself to easily fall into the trap of letting someone else's opinion matter.....But only for a minute ( ok - a few minutes) and only until Gommy remembered her (my) own advice to others, i.e. "Don't let someone else's opinion of you bother you because what someone else thinks of you is none of your business!" Get it??? Gommy does now (or does finally once again...) If we are to be secure within and about ourselves, we must become immune to our criticisms and well as the flattery we receive. You can't have it only one way. If you only listen to flattery then you will get a 'swelled head' and if you only believe your critics, you will self deflate.....not so good for either 'belief' to take over....see how that works?

The great Deepak Chopra says that anything that seems wrong in your life can be seen as the result of the past or the future. (sic) If you focus on just the 'present' moment, you will see that the present does not present any problems at all (right at the very minute that you are worrying about). If you only dwell on what has happened in your life in the past that was unpleasant or you only worry about what might happen in your life in the future that you will 'think' you have problems. But you should realize that your past cannot hurt you (emotionally) unless you are stuck there in your mind and your future is just that.....the future, and the future can change if you focus on what you do want and not what you fear.

Then there is the theory that people usually equate 'wealth' with money. They fear they don't have enough of 'it', or someone is going to take 'it' away from them, or they fear they are less because they don't have as much of 'it' as someone else, or they have too much of 'it' and people don't like them because of 'it'.....and on and on ad nauseum. In reality, 'wealth' should be measured by the amount of good health and happiness you have in your possession because those are the things that cannot be bought nor are they for sale in any mall.....

There is a hunger for youth in todays' culture. The Eastern cultures admire and respect their elders. In our culture, the elderly and/or the poor are looked down upon and dis-respected. One thing Gommy found out when the little co-worker attacked disrespected Gommy this week is that if you disrespect someone they can become enraged!!!! You can pretty much do anything or say anything to someone and it will not affect them, but if you disrespect them....look out! Remember what Gommy said in a few blogs ago? 'You can say or do most anything to someone.....but how you make them feel will never be forgotten" (sic)

You can also age yourself more by the way you think too. Don't believe Gommy? Think of the people you know who always say they don't have enough time to do this or do that.....or the people that say there aren't enough hours in the day.....or their children are growing up too fast....they usually look or appear to be older than they are. And many times, these same people end up with a heart attack or poor health because they are actually aging themselves with the thought of running out of time....they are sadly prophesizing their own early demise!!! Instead, try to think in terms of...."I have an eternity to finish that....or I have all the time in the world to get ready for 'this or that'..... It will definitely cut down on stress and we all know that stress is what kills.... you know 'DIS-ease". And Gommy knows you have all heard that phrase before!

It is the same with the preoccupation of the 'war on this' or the 'war on that' as in the 'war on terrorism' or the 'war on poverty' or the 'war on aids', etc. etc. and yada-yada-yada. How is that working out folks??? Not so well, eh? Instead we should have a "peace movement' as we older generation did back in the day. It eventually ended the War in Viet Nam. Instead we should think in terms of 'healing bigotry' or 'healing hurt feelings that harbor terrorist thinking' or 'healing the ills of the country so that no one has to go hungry'. Gommy bets it will work alot better than all the 'wars on this and that' are working. Or how about working on our own 'spirituality'. And not the 'shallow' spirituality many people are living. Gommy means the 'deep' spirituality that involves looking into our own hearts and how we feel about the things in our world. What are you in that regard; deep or shallow spirits?

How can we help? What can we do? Gommy thinks if we just start out small, like being kind to our neighbors, friends and family is a very good start. Don't 'snap' the next time your child asks you a question, or your elderly parent, or your teacher, or swear because you are stuck in traffic, or you...........get the picture yet? Then start being a good citizen and not throwing that gum wrapper on the ground. Help someone less fortunate than you. It almost started up a few years ago with the movie "Pay it Forward", but sadly stalled after the hoopla of enjoying the movie ended.

Soooooo, Gommy says to think about this for a bit. Just that little pause from the hatred, bigotry and disrespect may be enough to get the ball rolling in the RIGHT direction. Try can't hurt....right??? :) Have a nice day everyone and Gommy will try to remember from now on to "Do as I Say" and really DO IT!!!!....Hugs and Mush, Gommy

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