Gommy is enjoying another glorious Sunday. Thank you God. This Sunday started at 5:30am for Gommy..........I know! Gommys' internal clock just works that way....but at first stirrings, the thoughts of my blog filled my head. What to write about today??? 'Judgement' came to the forefront of my thinking and that is what 'Gommys Goodies' is about today.
Gommy heard somewhere that there are only three types of behaviors; nice, nasty and indifferent. When you think about it, by golly, that is correct! Try to think of people you know and try to give other types of behavior to them and you will see for yourself that anyone you can think of will actually fall into one of these three categories. I know! I tried myself.....
We don't usually give much thought to the nice people we know. And that is a terrible oversight because they are the ones we should focus on.....but for some unknown human response 'thingy' (a very technical Gommy term), we do focus on the nasty or the indifferent people we come across.
As we tend to focus on the nasty or indifferent people we know, we are usually measuring how they feel about us or their opinion of us. And that is absurd because in reality WHO CARES what they think or feel about us? Gommy only cares about the opinion of those who Gommy admires or loves or cares about in life.
If you ARE one of the nasty or indifferent people (but sadly, don't often admit to being) who do judge others all the time, you need to work on that. Try to get beyond the judging and find that small place just before the judging begins and your response to your judgement takes affect. THAT is the place to start. Start what? Start stopping.....Stop judging and start just witnessing. By that Gommy means you can 'witness' someone or something and just process it without judging because you have no idea how that person or their behavior manifested. Go beyond judgement to witnessing and then finally to acceptance. The acceptance that it is really none of your business how someone decides to live their life. You know the Bible parable about 'the splinter in your brothers' eye and the log in your own'? (sic)
Some of the greatest 'seers' in life went beyond judgement and just witnessed. Most of us have heard or read the great poets Keats and Shelley. But did you know that they had all of this wonderful insight at an age that is not often represented by the youth? Shelley was only 29 when he died and Keats was only 25!
But back to judgement and judging. Wayne Dyer, in his lectures, says that we should be 'independent of the good opinion of others'. By that, it means that we should live our lives and let others live theirs and stop trying to 'be of' the good opinion of others. For if you do, you will always be trying to live up to someone elses idea of how to live.
The great satirist H.L. Mencken wrote once to one of his critics, "I am sitting here in the smallest room in my house (we all know which room that is) and I have your letter of criticism before me. Soon it will be behind me." (sic) And that is how we should all feel about someone who is criticizing us. Let it go.....who cares????
So as Gommy sits at the computer, enjoying the birds chirping outside and realizing they are not aware nor do they care about the other birds opinions of their chrips.....Gommy says quit judging others and if you really need to judge, start with yourself....that is really the only opinion you should care about and the only one that you can actually change anyway......Enjoy life....Hugs and Mush, Gommy
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