Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A Salute to Mommies

Gommy got to thinking about how unappreciated a mommy is most of the time. I know everyone says they know how important the 'job' of motherhood is, but most people forget how much is involved in doing the 'job' correctly and how much it really entails.

To all you mommies out there, Gommy feels your pain. Not that it is a pain to raise your children, because it is not a pain, it is a joyful undertaking. But the 'pain' of never doing anything by yourself again is highly underestimated. When was the last time a mommy put on make-up without a live appendage clinging to her leg and usually crying because they knew mommy was going out? Why else would she be attempting (or bothering) to put make-up on? Or when a mommy is driving her car, when was the last time she could jam to Motley Crue instead of 'I Love You, You Love Me.....", or 'The Farmer in the Dell"?

Going to the grocery store is always a hassle when the kids come along. Everyone wants something different, or someone is cranky (that can be either the kids or the mommy), or if there is more than one child going with mommy, she has to keep her eyes on both or all of the children with her and hope they don't knock anything off the shelves or get lost in the store.

Mommy is usually the 'taxi-driver' to all school functions, sporting events or practices, dance and/or aerobic classes. Mommy is usually the one to make the lunches, she washes the clothes, she cleans up the house, and is the designated secretary and treasurer of the family who also keeps the dentist and doctor visits up to date. She is a virtual and indestructable 'Wonder-Human' ! Who can never get sick herself, I might add.

Mommies are usually the ones that have to be the designated driver when mommy and daddy have a chance to go out for a date night. Besides the DUI factor, someone has to be functional in the morning when the kiddies get up.

Gommy proposes that there is a Mother's Day one day of each month. It really isn't too much to ask and it is actually long overdue. Mommies give of themselves 24/7 and 12 months a year for a couple of decades per child!!! What would twelve days out of a year to honor mommies hurt? On Mother's Day each month, mommies could do whatever she wanted and she wouldn't have to do anything for anyone else, not even her husbands' mother. She could get a massage, she could go to the movies, she could go to the beach or the lake, she could sleep in to any hour she felt like or.............she could just drive by herself in the car and listen to whatever radio station she wanted and when she was at home, she could watch anything she wanted to watch on TV the whole day.......She should even have a pink-cape to wear to signify what a remarkable woman she is......

So hail to Moms everywhere. Gommy knows how wonderful you are. I bet there are others who know how great you are as well and if you get your 12 days a year as Gommy proposes, someone will be standing in for you and they will surely 'get it' by the end of the year.....Ya' Think?????

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