Gommy wants to talk about how we are more in control of our lives than we realize. We attract to ourselves what we think about. It is all about the vibrations that we send out and then come back to us. We are doing it every day of our lives and many of us aren't even mindful of our part in how our lives are unfolding.
There are certain forces of life that take place even if we are not aware of them happening. For instance, we are all vibrations of energy that can be either positive or negative. It is like tuning into a station on the radio. You have to hit just the right spot (vibration of sound waves) to get the station you are searching for. So in life, what you put your attention toward is what comes back to you. If you are putting your attention to something negative, guess what???? You are going to get a negative response. The more you push against something, the more it pushes it back to you because putting your attention on what you don't want gives you that exact vibration. You have to stop aligning yourself with negative situations, people or even your own thoughts if you want to live a positive life.
Another way people feel unfulfilled and are just plain grump-buckets is when they are trying to control situations or people. Remember that you don't have to control things to be happy. We are all meant to experience life as joyous. Just as any parent wants the best for their children, God wants all of us to be happy. We happen to be our own worse enemies though in how we live our lives. We are constantly judging ourselves by other people or friends. We try to measure up to what our idea is of the perfect existence. The funny part is that if we could just see behind the closed doors of those who we think have this 'perfect' existence, we would see that we are all really more alike than not. Remember Oz behind the curtain. Dorothy always had the power to go back home. She was just looking for everyone else to tell her how to get there.
A belief is a thought that you have been told over and over throughout your life. Your parents, teachers and clergy may have told you things that were passed down for generations and they are now part of your belief system. Gommy is not saying all those people told you lies. They did not. They just told you their beliefs that were handed down to them over the years. There are some cultures that have the belief that a cow is sacred. You couldn't tell them anything different if you tried to over and over. So Gommy says to pay close attention to your thoughts. When a negative thought starts to crop up..............stop it in its' tracks and spin it around to something positive. I'm sure everyone has a childhood memory or a child or grandchild that they can think of and smile. Or an accomplishment we may have had or a song that always makes us feel good.
You can enhance your life experiences by trying to go with the flow. Co-create with others to bring about what you want. Be open minded and don't judge people or circumstances. Just observe. There is a lesson in most things that come to us. If we don't learn from our lessons, we will just keep experiencing the same unpleasant situations. When you can realize that you have it in your own control to either go haywire with a worry or negative emotion or to be calm and level-headed about the situation, you may begin to see how you are in control of your life. We may not like the lessons we are given, but everything happens for a reason. If things aren't going the way you want them, take a look at what your thought processes are and begin to learn from your lessons. If you keep doing the same things......you will keep getting the same results. Einstein said the definition of insanity is "Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result".
You will know if you are in the 'zone' or on the right path by the way you are feeling. The better you are feeling, the more you are allowing positive emotions and thoughts into your life. The worse you are feeling, the less you are allowing those positive elements to control the way you are thinking. Part of being happy is allowing circumstances to be as they are and not going upstream all the time trying to change or control situations. Be patient with yourself and others. Remember what Ralph Waldo Emerson said,"Adopt the Pace of Nature....Her Secret it Patience."
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