Saturday, June 6, 2009

Karma, Dharma and Universal Laws

Hello everyone. Gommy is going to talk about Spiritual topics today. Wait....don't go away!!!! Just read on. It may surprise you. Now, I would not consider myself to be a very religious person. I have always said my religion was 'a visitor', because I went to so many different kinds of churches and even a few synagogues while I was growing up. But after losing a husband in a car accident at a very young age (34), and was left to raise 3 young children, ages 12, 11 and 8 and then nine years later, losing 2 of those children (Terry and Tiffany - aged 22 & 17 respectfully) in a car accident, I went to several churches searching for answers and was still left looking for answers and being very bewildered on so many levels. The same thing happened each time I went to a new church. I would sit in the back pew and expect someone, anyone, to come up to me and give me the answers I was looking for. Guess what? It didn't happen. It reminds me of a story I once heard of a wise old man who was sitting at the edge of a town and a traveler comes up to him and asked what sort of people live in the town. The old man asked what kind of person the traveler was and the traveler explains that he is a loner and doesn't like to mingle with people. The old man assures the traveler that that is exactly the sort of people in the town. Then another traveler comes along and asks the same thing to the old man and when the old man inquires what sort of person this traveler is, the traveler says he is a fun-loving guy who loves to be with people. The old man assures this traveler that that is exactly the sort of people in the town. The moral is; you get what you give. I was expecting a different outcome at each of the churches I went to, but the reality is I brought the same person to each facility (me).

Although I don't have formal religious roots, I do believe in God or Divine Intelligence or Being or whatever it is you feel comfortable with calling God . What I have come to believe is that God doesn't have hang-ups about what you call Him. He is not petty. I also believe that there is more than one path to God. Just like the streams and rivers empty into the Ocean....there are many paths to God. I think churches are good places for people to gather to do good and pray but I don't feel it is necessarily the only way to speak with God. I find it hard to believe that God will not allow you into His Kingdom if you don't belong to Church A or Church B or Synagogue C or Mosque D.....and I think it is insulting to God to expect us to not love another person because of his or her beliefs, color of his skin, politics, etc. Aren't we ALL Gods' children? If that is so, how can some of His children be good and others not; just because of their race, creed or any other difference? How would someone feel if one of their own children were not liked because they were different in some way? I, for one, as a parent, would not like it one little bit....

Now for the Karma and Dharma and Universal Laws topics. The Karma aspect is that I fully believe that what you do in life, whether it be good or bad, does come back to you. In church language, it is 'reaping and sowing', in Eastern civilization language, it is referred to as Karma. Whether you are religious or not or whether you believe in it or not, it does exist. Even scientists know there are universal laws that control the entire world that we live in. If you drop an apple, it falls to the ground through the 'law of gravity'. People understand that law because you can see it happening. It may be harder to grasp the laws that you can't see. But scientists are now understanding things differently than they did before. They know that we have come so far in discovering things through quantum physics and MRI's, radio waves, cell phone technology, and super microscopes that allow us to see things we never could before. We can actually see atoms and even human cells and DNA through these microscopes now. We know now that information we put out over the Ethernet in the form of our emails, twitters, cell phone conversations, etc. stays there out forever. We know that because it can be and is retrieved long after we have forgotten all about it. Energy doesn't ever disappear, it just changes forms. So, remember to be good and kind, if that is what you want to receive back. Like my Dad used to say, "Don't spit in the wind!" That is, unless you want it to come back in your face.

Now for Dharma. Dharma is when you find your perfect place in life. You are in the 'zone'. And you know that you have found it because you are in harmony with life and you are truly happy and everything is good. It is like a musician. They love, love, love what they do. It is in their blood and they HAVE to play their instrument or write or sing their songs . By being exactly in their 'true place in life' they are enjoying what they do and they are also giving pleasure to those who hear them and they end up making copious amounts of money at the same time. A way to find out if you have found Dharma is to close your eyes and think about what you do for your lifes' work. If you feel good about it and it gives you great pleasure and you can't wait to get back to your job, that's it!!! If you feel like you would never go back to your job if you didn't need the income, then you have not found your Dharma....

The Universal Law topic is really cut and dry. You don't have to believe will keep on ruling the world we live in whether you do or you don't. That is the law. If there weren't Universal Laws, the oceans wouldn't ebb and flow, there wouldn't be good and bad, rain and sunshine, or the seasons of each year. God has planned everything and it is perfection. Look up "Universal Laws" sometime and you will understand how perfectly everything is in place so we can enjoy all we do here on Earth.

That's it for today. Gommy is enjoying a beautiful day with hubby. We happened to both get the day off, which hardly ever happens. We went to the beach this morning and now while I write my Gommy's Goodies piece, hubby is in the recliner doing his 'finger exercises' with the remote. Later, it is out to a good dinner and being couch potaotes tonight. Life IS good. Hope everyone gets to find their Dharma or in todays' terms, their "MOJO" - Toodle-ooo

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