Monday, December 31, 2012


Hello Boys and Girls and Happy New Year! It IS that time of year when we look back on what we did and didn't accomplish in the year....and on any mistakes we might have made....or on feeling good about the really good things we may have done. And hope that we made a difference....a good difference in the lives of those who mean the most to us.

As I was having me a little look back and making sure the reflection I was seeing was really what I thought I was seeing, I took out my trusty 'Bible' (Eckhart Tolles' A New Earth) and let the book open wherever it wanted to open. I always think that whatever I am looking for will be revealed to me in that way.  Welllll, it opened up to the Chapter on, 'Finding Who You Truly Are'. Hmmmmmm.....that's a pretty good thing to reflect on..... [I sez to myself]. So here's what ET had to say about WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?.

~"The world always makes sure that you cannot fool yourself for long about who you really think you are, by showing you what truly matters to you. How you react to people and situations, especially when challenges arise, is the best indicator of how deeply you know yourself.

The more limited, the more narrowly egoic the view of yourself... the more you will see, focus on, and react to the egoic limitations of the unconsciousness in others. Their 'faults' or what you perceive as their faults become their identity to you. This means you will see only the ego in them and thus strengthen the ego in yourself. Instead of looking 'through' the ego in are look 'at' the ego. Who is looking at the ego? The ego in you...that's who.

Very unconscious people experience their own ego through its reflection in others. When you realize that what you react to in also in you....(and sometimes only in you) begin to become aware of your own ego, i.e. what makes you tick-(Gommy added that 'what makes you tick' part). At that stage, you may also realize that you were doing to others...what you thought others were doing to you. You cease seeing yourself as a victim."~

WOW....that is some reflection now, ain't it? The very thing that aggravates me about someone else is a reflection of something in me. Now, most people would never admit that....and that is the reason we have as many whacka-dos in the world as we do. So many people who hold onto their beliefs in 'xyz' with a death grip....because they identify so strongly with their belief in 'xyz'....that they don't know what or who they would be without it. And THAT my friends is fear related....which causes all pain and suffering.

ET also said....."Nobody can tell you who you are. It would just be another concept, so it would not change you. Who you are requires no belief. In fact....every belief is an obstacle. It does not even require your realization, since you are already who you are. BUT....without 'realization'.....who you are does not shine forth into this world. It remains in the unmanifested, which is, of course, your true 'home'. You are then like an apparently poor person who does not know he has a bank account with $100 Million in it and so his wealth remains an unexpressed potential."

Hey, I'm a millionaire.....many times over. And so are you peeps. You can just walk into your 'bank of all potential' and withdraw any amount you need. But start with being honest about who you think you are....cuz if you keep telling yourself a pack of won't get anywhere and you might become one of those whacka dos I was talking about. You can do it!!!! Gommy is pulling for ya'. Hugs and Mush, and a VERY Happy New Year to one and all!!! Gommy

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Hello everyone! It has been a sad week with the murders of the little children and teachers in Connecticut. Something went terribly wrong.  Especially at this time of year, when we are 'supposed' to be filled with joy, love and good tidings toward all. Instead, it made me think how very little we know about what is in our own.....or our loved ones future on any given day.

It also brought me back to the day my own children were taken from me. They were older (17 and 22)....but your children will always be your matter how old they are. I can remember the shock and deep, agonizing pain I felt the moment I heard they were gone. To a parent, there is nothing in the world and no other pain that can match that helpless and nauseating feeling. Every memory of every event or occasion that you ever shared together comes flooding back to you in an instant. It  must be likened to the way we are told our own life comes back to us when we die.  And while you are remembering.....there is a mix of pure joy from the memories....and a deep stabbing in your heart at the same time... at the realization that you will never share new memories with them again.

As I watched the unfolding of this terrible sadness....I heard people saying things like....what must these parents be feeling? I do know what these families are feeling.  And I feel deeply for the families that are facing that pain right now. If they are like I was....they are still in a state of shock. The shock  and numbness you feel is [thankfully] with you all the while you are making decisions like; choosing their coffins.....the clothing they will wear in that coffin....the details you want at the funeral home.....choosing the flowers you want on their coffins.  Then you look for pictures that you will share (in my case, it was for the newspaper so they could report the accident). Then you are inundated with telephone calls by friends and family who just want to tell you they are thinking of you....but all you really want to do is roll up in a ball and make it go away. But it doesn't go away. It really never fully goes away. But you learn to 'live with it' and try not to let their passing define you in a way that is not honoring their memory. You try to not be bitter....or mad.....or not go on with your own life. But it is a process....and these parents have a long way to go before they get to the other side of this nightmare.

There are no answers either but you do look and look for an answer. I searched different churches, synagogues.....anywhere I thought would 'give me THE answer' I was looking for. For me, I found that we won't ultimately 'know' the answer....until we meet with our loved ones again some day.

There is no escaping or no guarantees that something horrid won't happen in your lifetime either. We all have the false belief that,  'It can't happen to us...not in our town....not to us or our children.'. But it CAN happen. Any where...any any one. But to live in fear that it might to give up the time and the precious days we DO have with our loved ones. If anything good ever can come out of such pain and is that we are jolted into remembering just how much our loved ones DO mean to us. It makes us hug them a little longer.....tell them how much they do mean to us....and it makes us appreciate and be grateful for another day we get to be with them.

So, tell the people in your life how much they mean to you. Do it every day....because tomorrow is not promised to us. Live today. Live in the NOW! Now is all we are completely sure of. You can do it. Gommy is pulling for you. Hugs and Mush and lots of Love, Gommy