Hello Boys and Girls. It’s been a while since I have written
on my blog…but I feel compelled to speak to a subject that is weighing
heavily on me today. For personal reasons, I won't say why this particular day
is so integral to the topic of truth, but it does seem to be jumping out at me and egging me on to speak about it. So I will.
It is 11:11 AM as I begin to write this….which is an
‘aha’ for me as well. But it started when I woke up and turned on my computer
and went to Facebook, as I usually do each morning. A friend had posted a quote by Warren Buffet that said, “Honesty
is a very expensive gift. Don’t expect it from cheap people.” We can think of
the word ‘cheap’ as stingy or we can think of it as not having much worth.
Either description is not a very good one to have on your character list.
The thing about being true to yourself is that it is the
only way to be able to live in contentment and have peace of mind in knowing that you are
doing what is right. I am a firm
believer that as long as we do the right thing, everything will turn out right
in the end. That isn’t to say that we don’t all make mistakes in our lives. We
do. But we must face the fact that we have made a mistake, be contrite about
it, and ask forgiveness for what we did. But when a person does something very
wrong….and acts as if they didn’t do it….then I cannot be around someone like
that and act as if it didn't happen as well. It would feel as if I were being disloyal to my own conscience and somehow being complicit in the deed.
I am married to one of the most admirable, giving, loyal and
honest persons I have ever had the privilege of knowing. He stands up for what
he believes in and never waivers. Sadly, you don’t find that many people with
those qualities in the world anymore.
Most people ride the wave or go with whatever is more comfortable for
them in a sticky situation. It takes great character to do what is right….when
others are not willing to face the truth. You can even be shunned for doing the
right thing. But nothing is worth losing your own self-respect in the trade, just to
be liked or welcomed. It’s like selling your soul to the Devil. You may be
living large right now….but the smallness you feel about yourself is always there, nagging at you.
Then, a little later in the morning, I was watching a taped
segment of The Katie show. She had Dr. Phil on as a guest and he said something
that goes perfectly with this subject. And when he said it…..I just knew it was
another signal that I had to write about it in my blog. He said,
“Winners deal with the truth….good, bad or indifferent.” I would add that there may be times when you have to withhold something, so as not to hurt an innocent person.....but that is the rare exception. I am speaking to blatant lies and lack of integrity today.
Living and dealing with the truth is not always easy. But to
be a ‘winner in life’ you must be truthful.....at all times. Lying to yourself is pretty silly,
because you really do know the truth and if you can lie to yourself…then you
can certainly lie to everyone else you come in contact with. My mother always
said, “You can watch a thief….but not a liar.”
You can lock stuff up so that a thief can’t get to it…..but a liar is
harder to watch. But the good news is that eventually the truth will come out.
That has always stuck with me throughout my life.