I have always heard the saying about the half-full or half-empty glass and I usually think of myself as the ‘half-full’ version. But I was thinking about something the other
day; the idea of our lives being like a vessel…..and how that vessel is being
filled up each day and each year with life situations, relationships, problems,
happy times, and with the people who mean so much to us. Then I thought how I have felt
that when someone passes on…. that the vessel is empty now and how all that
wisdom, love and life experience is gone with them and how much of a waste that
is for the rest of us. We are not able to enjoy them or learn from them
any longer. It just seems sad that it took so many years and life experiences
to build up all that special-ness in them….and now it is just gone.
But then I immediately thought that those people and memories are never
really gone from us. And I started remembering my own grandparents and the
special things we did together and all the warm memories I still have of them.
When I am playing with my little grands….I
know that I am making memories that they will be recalling of me in the
years when I am long gone.
I can remember the awesome trips, holidays and occasions that
my own parents and I enjoyed together in the years when they were still alive.
And when I watch my daughter with her own children…..doing the same things I
did with my own three…..it is a reminder that we really are living the ‘circle of life’…..and how
special each memory is that we are making. The secret is to remember that we are making a difference in the life of each person who crosses our path.....and to make each person you touch....remember you fondly.
I have many wonderful memories of times I spent with my own
children, who have passed. Any time I want…..I can pull forth a wonderful
recollection of a particular time we spent together. And the memory of the
beautiful qualities they possessed are still with me each and every day. I
still laugh at the jokes we shared and fun times I had with my son Terry or
remember how very proud he made me when he grew into manhood. And I still use
the many lessons my ‘old soul’ of a daughter, Tiffany, taught me….and she
didn’t even know at the time that she was teaching her old mom things that I
have needed and used so many times since in my life.
I am Blessed to still have my daughter Tracey to spend times
with….and there are so many memories I cherish of the Mother/Daughter trips we
took in the past and the many woman to woman talks that we still share today.
How wonderful it is to have a daughter who grows up to be such a wonderful
So, my point here today is that although we miss those who
have gone on terribly…..and it really is a shame that we can’t hold onto them forever….that
in a way….actually we can….and we do hold onto them forever.....in every memory
and smile we shared while we were together. And to also cherish the times you are making with those who are still with you. This is your life book peeps.....make it a classic.
So, my life-work assignment for today peeps is to cherish
each amazing moment that you have with your loved ones. You never know how long
you will have them in your life….but I promise you, that you will be happy some
day…. that you took the time to make those wonderful warm and fuzzy memories
with them......and so will THEY! You can do it boys and girls…Gommy is pulling for you!
Hugs & Mush - Gommy