Hello Boys & Girls - It's been a while since I have written to you. But something has been aching at me to share with you....and I hope it doesn't drive any of you away. I say this because it is one of the hardest things to admit about ourselves.
What it is....is.....that we bring all the crapola we have in our lives TO us. YEP...it is brought to us by our very own hands. But the good news is...that we bring the good stuff to us as well.
Now, I bet you are thinking...no way!! I wouldn't want *xyz* in my life. It is too painful...upsetting...fearful....etc. But, Goms is here to tell you....that you really have. It is hard to accept that our hand would be in something that we don't want in our life. But, the reality is that we bring everything to us....all the time.
If you believe in God....then you probably pray for things, right? So you must 'Believe' that your prayers will be answered then. GOTCHA!!! And God does answer every prayer....we just don't realize that we have sent the wrong memo out into the Universe sometimes.
Let's say you want to win the lottery. I see everyone's hand up right now. But how many of you say something like...."I wish I could win the lottery. But I'm not lucky"? Guess what??? You just cancelled your wish. Or say you want to lose weight...and you think...."I'm going to be really good and not eat anything I'm not supposed to eat.....but as soon as I lose the weight...it just comes back on and usually twice as much as I lost." BUSTED- I bet most everyone has had that thought a time or two.....or threeeeee!!!!
And have you ever noticed that the people who think about being sick the most...ARE the people who are sick the most? Or the people who think about being rich...are the richest? What you have to realize is that 'Like Attracts Like'. Thoughts send out a magnetic signal that draws the parallel back to you. That is the Law of Attraction and it works every time, with every person. And it works whether you believe it or not. Just as the Law of Gravity works. Try it....try to think that an apple won't fall if you drop it. It still fell didn't it? Even though you said you didn't believe in the Law of Gravity.
Oh, and another thing....it doesn't matter if the apple was a ripe delicious apple or a rotten apple. It still falls. So that is another way to answer the question of why do bad things happen to good people. The Laws of the Universe....have to work perfectly at all times....and can't make exceptions because someone is a good person or a bad person. These Laws are how God makes everything work perfectly and exactly all the time. There can be NO exceptions.....or everything will tilt and be off kilter. And God doesn't make mistakes.
Something to be careful about is that positive or negative thoughts and emotions have energy. The Universe brings into our life, the most powerful ideas and thoughts we have. It does not care whether you want it or not. It isn't concerned with where the energy flows into or from where it flows out. This is why things you do not want to happen, still happen. The very things you are afraid of....do come into your life. Worries come true. But why this is so? The answer consists in energy flow. The more you don't want these things to come into your life....you think about them with STRONG PASSION. So, the Universe is 'hearing' what you are emitting. It does not matter that you may be thinking that you don't want it....it just recieves what you are focusing on. And if this object is negative......then negative is what you get. Even if this is what you do not want to bring into your life. You are giving energy to things you don't want and that is why they are attracted to you. Think about abundance and wealth, and health and success and prosperity....think POSITIVE things.... and those things will be attracted to you.
Another analogy I like to use is of a flood. Now floods can be terrible and they do much damage and even kill people. But that very same flood....that did so much damage and killed people....is the same water that goes down the way to benefit others. It may bring much needed water to a farmer's herd of cattle....or it may bring water to crops that are dying from drought....or it may bring badly needed water to a village of people who depend on that water to survive. See, it wasn't bad water or good water....it was just water.
Unfortunately for 'us'....we are creatures of habit...and we take the easiest route. This is another reason things don't change for us when we 'think' we want them to change. And many times that leads us right back to square one. We don't like having those extra pounds on us...but those chips and dips sure do call our name at night while we are watching TV. And if we do believe that what we ask for is what we receive (ASK AND YOU SHALL RECIEVE)....we are correct. But the sneaky little secret...is that we must make an adjusment in the receive thingy. We must ASK-then BELIEVE-to RECIEVE. Then it is like shopping on the Net...we can just click and point to whatever it is we may be wishing for. And another little secret is that we must REALLY and TRULY believe it can happen. If there is the slightest doubt....then *POOF*....all gone.
Now you are probably asking....How long before I can start manifesting? The short answer is that there are no rules on how long. The trick is that the more aligned you are with positive feelings the quicker things happen. By aligning I mean....get the boogers and road blocks out by the roots! And THAT my dearies is the hardest part. We may think we are doing everything correctly...and we just haven't won the damn lottery yet. But there may be some hidden emotion or thought....somewhere in your psyche...that is keeping that wish from being a reality. You may think that money is bad...or rich people are stuck up.....or you were just meant to be at whatever level you are right now...or maybe if you work REAL hard...you may be a little more comfortable......but you'll never be wealthy. And you can use anything that doesn't seem to be materializing for you as you try this little pop quiz for yourself. Believe me....there IS something that is in the way of you manifesting something you really want. You just have to find the booger and pull it out by the roots. Not just prune and trim it... but rip it out by the stinking roots.
So, this is what Gommy means by 'Look Within'. You have the answers as to why *xyz* is in your life right now. Even if it is the most irritating situation in the world! You brought it to ya' Sorry peeps! That is the brutal and honest truth.
This is Gommys' offering to you today boys and girls. IMHO we can make our lives 'gooder or badder'...just by the way we think. So, my very unprofessional advice would be to start thinking good stuff and shy away from the negative stuff. Heck....just look at Jim Carrey. He tells a story about how he wrote himself a check for $10 Milllion Dollars way before he was famous. But he believed he would be famous one day and visualized it over and over. And he didn't just sit on his dufus and wait for the check to arrive. He went on acting auditions and made sure he did everything he could to be in the right place at the right time to get into show business. And after being in some films...he did manifest the money he wrote on that check. This is what Jim Carrey said himself about the writing of the check when he was on Bravo's 'Inside the Actors Studio' TV show :
On writing a 10 million dollar check to himself:
JL- When you were struggling personally and professionally, did you write yourself a check?
JC- Yeah, I made myself my check which was just basically you know, 10 million dollars to Jim Carrey for acting services rendered, dated Thanksgiving 1995, and that was uh, 1990. I gave myself five years to be one of the most successful working actors, to be given the best material, and the best scripts - things that people would never expect in a million years that I could do.
JL- What did you do with the check finally?
JC- I put the check in my fathers pocket in his casket because it was his dream too and he followed me the whole time and it was kind of a completion of all that. He saw The Mask - he saw what was happening to me, and I felt like it was ya know, it was his as well- so I’d give it to him.
Pretty awesome right? Welllll....you can do it too Boys & Girls. Gommy is pulling for ya'
Hugs & Mush- Gommy